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9:54:00 am
Image: Google

In 2014 when I first created my blog and was excited to start writing and pouring my heart out to encourage people, so many thoughts began to go through my head. Thoughts like, who was going to read what I'll write? Will I make sense? What of the talks about me now blogging? What if I quit along the line? And some other other crazy thoughts, all of which boils down to the fact that I was afraid. After going through these thoughts which caused me to be afraid, I ended up abandoning that blog till 2 years later. 

What do you think made the difference 2 years later? 


Because, 2 years later I didn't stop being afraid, rather what happened was that I made a choice to not allow those feelings of fear stop me. 

Is it wrong to feel afraid? No! Truth is, the more you feel afraid about a particular task, the more obvious it is that a courageous step towards that task will cause a shift in your life. So, if you feel afraid about a task then that task must be a big deal in your life and make a great difference too. 

"Fear sometimes can be the excuse we make for the choice we made"

So, while fear can be a threat to pursuing our life's purpose, the choice to allow fear win or stop us is totally our decision and we can't blame fear for it. 

What choice are you making today? To allow fear stop you or to take action inspite of your fears? 

Remember, the choice is still yours. I hope you use this power of choice profitably to move your life forward and make a difference in the lives of others and in the world at large.

Live fearlessly!

Love you large!


8:20:00 pm

One of the hindrances to our living a fearless life is the inability to handle rejection. You do your best to keep a positive attitude or summon courage to ask for help and all you get for that effort is a no or outright rejection, or you value this person so much and he or she turns around to say we don't belong together. This can be very hurtful as I've experienced that myself. However, a few things have helped me navigate feeling hurt about rejection and I'll share them with you.

1. Nobody owes you anything.

I learnt this the hard way. Not even your parents, spouse, friend, etc owes you a dime, (well except those who are in possession of your property 😂). Aside that, no one owes you any responsibility or obligation, so if you're fortunate enough to have people around you who really care about you and meet some of your needs, you need to see that as a privilege and be grateful for the favour. When you feel someone is obligated to you, you're already giving them power to make you feel terrible if they don't come true to fulfill that obligation. So, throw that "you owe me mentality" to the wind if you don't want to be hurt by rejections.

2. Understand that people have the right to deny you favours and that doesn't mean they're bad people. 

Making enemies of people just because they said no to you will keep you hurt while the fellow already moved on with his or her life. And the fact that someone said No to you or rejected you doesn't mean they're bad people. So, learn to accept Nos and rejections as part of life and don't hate people for it. 

3. Learn to make excuses for people's offences. 

While it's true that you shouldn't take offense with people just because they said no to you or rejected you, sometimes it's actually difficult not to, because rejection can be painful and offensive especially when same is inhumanely conveyed. To pardon their offense, you can make excuses for them. For instance, you asked A for money which you believe or think she has, then she blatantly refuses in a hurtful way. You can make excuses like.... Maybe she doesn't really have the money or she probably has something going on that's why she didn't respond in a more friendly manner. The excuse you make for them is not to justify their action, rather it's to help you forgive them and move on.

4. Expectations kill. 

Don't expect too much from people. Or rather, expect anything from anyone that way no one disappoints you. It's very hurtful when people you expect to accept you rejects you and says no without a valid reason, forgive them anyway and tell yourself because they're human, they're fallible. This can help you handle rejection.

5. Create something positive around that rejection. 

Maybe you actually need that rejection for you to stretch yourself beyond your comfort zone. So find, a lesson in that rejection and Create something positive with it. 

6. Be satisfied with yourself.

Don't allow what people do or say to you define who you are or change who you are. Be satisfied with yourself that nays or rejection from people don't pinch you a bit. Let your self esteem be so high that no rejection can pull it down. 

These points above are attitudes I built overtime that has helped me handle rejection and Nos. 

What about you? How do you handle rejection? Share with me in the comment section 👇 

I hope you learnt a thing or two? Do have a fearless week! 

Love you large!


9:34:00 am

Many people are struggling with fear and while some are aware of this, some aren't. They just live, though unsatisfied with their current state, but still don't know what's making them comfortable in that state. Sometimes you get so comfortable with where you are because fear kept you there and forget you shouldn't be there. To these set of people, I want to awaken your consciousness to the fact that you're struggling with fear. For those who are aware of their fearful state, I want to tell you why you're still living in fear. 

For both parties the following are the reasons you're still afraid:

1. You don't trust God enough 
Yeah, we all say we believe God and we know He's our father, but how much are we trusting Him to walk on water? We'll rather fear men than God and settle for their opinion than what God says about us. 

To come to a place of absolute trust in God, you must understand the place of God in your life, who He is to you, who you are because of Him and all that you can become because of Him. Trusting God means you won't see the whole staircase but you'll take the first step. It means the future may look blurry but you trust His word for your life. It means being blind to what's happening around you and trusting Him wholly. It means looking aside your capabilities and trusting God who has equips you for His calling. It means walking by faith and not by sight.

2. Approval addiction
I can relate to this because I struggled with it a whole lot. Approval addiction is when you're addicted to the opinion of men and because of what they might think of you, you decide to just sit back and do nothing. You're waiting for them to say go girl, before you go. Waiting for approval from men before you move is one of the reasons you're still afraid. Hey, you don't need any man's approval to do what God has placed in your heart to do. So, trust God and blind your eye to men's opinion and bondage. Take constructive criticism, positive thoughts and opinions that helps move you forward and discard any opinion that makes you cringe or limits you. Don't wait around for opinions before you take action, go for it the world will catch up. 

3. Self limiting beliefs 
I've spoken so much about self limiting beliefs. These are beliefs that limit you and blur your vision. I'm single and because of that I can't go too far, so I don't chase a prospective spouse, I'm from a poor background and don't have money to pursue my dreams, I'm too old to start, you can fill up the rest of the excuses you make. You need to consciously expunge limiting beliefs and adopt empowering beliefs that will move you foward.

4. Low self esteem 
You need a good dose of self worth to defy the odds and pursue God's purpose. Of course, you should know who you are and embrace all of it. The good, bad and ugly, the mistakes, failures, etc. Build your self esteem and that way, nobody's opinion will shut you down. Lack of self esteem is the reason you're still afraid, take care of your self esteem and you'll see yourself boom. 

5. Lack of Clarity of purpose 
You can't discover who you are and your worth without knowing the problem you have been created to solve. While at the outset you may not get the whole picture, but there's a specific need God wants you to solve and you have all you need to solve that problem. Once you get clear on your purpose, you'll see a reason to pursue it without allowing fear to hinder you.

I hope their helps you..... Take care of these things and you'll discover fear will  no longer have a hold on you.

Live Fearlessly!


8:37:00 am

Happy New Week guys.... Hope you had a splendid weekend?

Just want to quickly share this with you. I know my journey hasn't even really begun but so far I've gone, I've wanted to quit a lot of times. The truth is that success is demanding and it's demand is one of the reasons people choose to rather lay low. I knew if I was going to step out, it was practically going to take all of me and I wasn't really ready to commit and because of that fear, I lingered.

I'm grateful I eventually got the courage to start even when I didn't have everything figured out. That courage to start wasn't enough though because I quit a lot of times, made excuses but then I knew I was only delaying my process. As I struggled, I talked to God about everything and He kept reminding me that it wasn't about me, but about Him and the people I've been purposed to serve and impact. So after a long period of break, I got my groove back and jumped back in to work again. 

What's your story?
Are you tired and frustrated already? Are things not working out as you planned out initially? Do you feel discouraged because you're not getting the needed response and support from your most trusted allies? Are you mentally and financially drained and you just want to throw your hands up and say "I'm Done!".... I understand you perfectly because I've been there too. But just before you quit, remember;

a. It's not about you, but about God. Who do you want to serve? Yourself or Him? He saved you remember? He also called you and equipped you for all you will do and moreover since you received Him into your life you said goodbye to a life of self will for His life and His will as the life you now live isn't yours but His. So, remember it's about God and not you, even though you get to enjoy the dividend of your obedience.

b. It's not about you, but about the people God has purposed you to serve. Generations are relying on your obedience. There are people who can't be reached except through you. Many need your service and sacrifice to make progress or have a change in their life. You are to live beside yourself, die to self so as to serve others. Your gift is not for you but for others, so are you going to quit on these souls? 

c. Well, it's also about you. Walking in your purpose brings this undeniable fulfillment on the inside. While we don't work for the benefit we expect to receive, we still receive the benefits of our labour. If you sow, you reap and there's so much blessings attached to your obedience. It may take a while but it will surely show forth. 

Still want to quit? I guess not! 
I hope you take your concerns to God and quickly get right back on track because something big is awaiting you, only if you don't quit. 

Have a fulfilling week and live fearlessly!

Love you large!


9:09:00 am
Image: Google 

Thinking about my life in the past and how I've always wanted to be great, make impact and leave footprints in the sands of time. I had this idea in my head that one day, I will be a great personality to reckon with and make valuable impact in many lives. What I didn't really know or rather denied was the fact that making impact involved taking steps and taking steps means fear was something I'll have to deal with.

As I continued my journey through life, it dawned on me that no one was going to hand down greatness to me and the future was mine to take if I had the courage to. God already gave me dominion and made me great, but for this greatness to manifest I had a role to play which is stepping out in faith and in obedience and possessing all that God has made available for me.

God has given us dominion over the earth, but devil tries to mess with that through the instrument of fear. God is aware that this will happen and that's why He has promised us that He's always with us so we have no reason to fear.

To walk tall and influence this generation, living fearlessly is not something we can do without because fear is a daily reality. Waiting for fear to leave or stop will be waiting in futility. The impact you want to make is at the other end of the fear you face, but you need to be fearless and resilient in your pursuit. 

Do you want to impact lives and live a fulfilling life? Then you must be fearless and never allow fear make decisions for you. Once you have an idea, don't second guess yourself, just go on and take a step towards it no matter how afraid you feel. It's just a feeling, don't be ruled by your feelings, let courage win. 

Live fearlessly!

Love you large!


9:45:00 am
Image: Google

H A P P Y  N E W  M O N T H!
Welcome to a new month guys.... To think we're just a month away from wrapping up this year, hmmmm... The months seem to have flown by pretty fast. But I'm grateful still for the progress, hope you are too? 

I know we all are high on being positive and getting loads of Yays, but seriously who doesn't want to get yes everyday of their life? Just incase you don't want to, well sincerely I do. 

Does this mean we always get a yes whenever we want or ask for it? No! 
Does this mean we always meet or have positive minded people around us? No! 

Nays and Negative opinion is just like the other side of the coin of Yay and Positivite opinions. If we can embrace positivity then there should be a way to deal with Nays and negativity.

In dealing with Nays, you must understand that people aren't always going to say yes to you and it's not always because they're bad people or they just love to decline your request or they hate you or for whatever reason, it's just because Nay is part of what we receive from life and it can be handed to us through anyone or any means. 

Having accepted that Nays are part of life. The next thing is to understand the reason behind it. A Nay could function as the beginning of Yays for you and can also stand as a limitation. It all depends on your perception about it. Moreover, people have the right to wither say yes or no, so they're not under any obligation to always grant your request or wish. 

So, you should know when to accept a No, when to discard same and say yes to yourself and when to learn a lesson or two from the No. Respect their decision and find another way rather than letting it bug you down or make you feel undeserving.

On negative opinions, people are entitled to their opinions, just as you're entitled to yours. It's also up to you to either discard the negative opinion (this is in contrast with constructive criticism) or allow it affect your life and what you do.

People are created to talk.... So, let them use their voice, while you apply wisdom in selecting the opinions that has effect on your life. 

Have a strong positive mindset that regardless of what people say or think of you, their negativity won't have a stronger hold on you than the positivity you've built over time. 

Have a fulfilling month and live fearlessly!

Love you large!


10:28:00 am
Image: Google

Hello and welcome to a new and exciting week!

I'm as excited about this week as this image up here, lol. First off, how did your weekend go? Mine was pretty much eventful and quite busy. Aside the regular weekend chores and activities, this weekend was the Fearless Living monthly virtual seminar which we hold at every last weekend of the month. Part of what I want to share with you today was what I shared with them last weekend.

The theme of the seminar was "How To Stay Winning"

Winning first of all begins with our mindset. Also, our perception of life experiences and challenges will determine whether we'll stay winning or not.

Developing a no-lose mindset means, having or building a positive attitude or mindset towards life's challenges. For instance, your perception about the loss of a job might be, "life has ended for me" while to someone else it might be "it's time to explore other opportunities"..... Another instance, your perception about a break up might be "I'm not good enough for him or her" while to someone else it might me "He or she didn't deserve me"

Your challenges become exactly what you perceive them to be. You can either see it as the close of a chapter in your story and the beginning of another chapter in your story or the end of your story.

In developing a no-lose mindset;

a. You must always tell yourself that you can handle whatever life throws at you and that every challenge is an experience with its lesson that shapes you positively into a better person.

b. You must know and understand that whatever happens to you happens for a purpose and also it happens to build your character and mould you into a better person or help you explore a part of you, you never knew existed.

c. You must be open to embrace challenges and see them as part of life. While you hope for the best, you also prepare for the worst, so it doesn't take you unawares.

d. You must always find a positive side of whatever challenge life throws you no matter how ugly it seems.

e. You must always remember that you're not what you've been through, there's so much more to you and these challenges pull out that part of you that's yet to unfold. Never allow your circumstances affect you negatively, stay positive regardless.

Hey, this is not a mindset you build overnight, it takes time and practice too, but it's very doable.

Will you try it?
What's your perception about challenges? Share with me in the comment section.

Hope this helps you to have a positive attitude this week. So have a fulfilling and fearless week.

Love you large.
Live fearlessly!


11:44:00 am
It feels really good to be back home, lol. Writing is home for me incase you don't know. Can't believe I've been away from here for about three months.... It's not been easy at all as there's been challenges here and there.

 At some point it was me being all confused and not really knowing where i was headed with what i was doing. A lot of opinions were flying here and there, i felt like i was loosing myself and had no clarity about what i was doing. I just needed sometime to just clear my head and go back to God and understand what He really wants me to do. I didn't want to loose myself while on my journey or find myself being distracted by what other people were doing. This was actually how i started taking a backseat to really figure things out.

While i was getting over this stage, i had my masters exams coming up, so rather than get back to work i decided to just focus more on my books and work as there were just a lot of things competing for my interest. Before i knew what was happening, the ASUU strike stepped in, lol.  And my phone which i used majorly spoilt because of work overload and i lost so many important documents i had saved up. It was as though everything was happening at thesame time, but all to God's glory as i had extra time to really put things in perspective.

was it all bad? Hell No!

I had some amazing moments while i was away.

First and major was my growth in the knowledge of God, some of which i'll be sharing with you from time to time. Gosh! To think i had a wrong perception of God for several years was disheartening. I got to understand the depth of God's love and the efficacy of Christ's death and blood. I can't wait to share all my findings with you guys and tell you how this knowledge has totally changed and improved my relationship with God. Truly, knowledge is everything and no wonder Apostle Paul's prayers were majorly for knowledge.

This post is becoming longer than i thought... Forgive me, you know this is all gist.

Next was my speaking engagement at a TEDx event organized by TEDxUI. I was super excited to share my message with the world. I really had such an amazing time sharing with them on "Dare To Be Abnormal" The video isn't out yet, when it's out i'll definitely share with you guys, but right now you can see some pictures from the event. Do you know i was to speak for just 18 minutes? At TEDx you're given a limited time to communicate your idea to the audience. As someone who loves talking, it was such a short time but i did a lot with it.
With the keynote speaker
I was grabbing the microphone to take my turn on stage
 I remember i was told i was going to be the first speaker, lol.... I refused o, and was eventually the second speaker.
Here i was done speaking and handing over the microphone

That moment you're trying to make sense and also smile in between, lol

LOL! When you're trying so hard to make sense!
Long talk you will say.... Hope you enjoyed reading and watching my pictures.
Thanks for reading this far, i really appreciate. This is to officially say i'm back to business. Will try my best to post at least twice a week.

what about you? What have you been up to so far? Share in the comment box please.

Thank you for all your support! 

Love you large.

Live Fearlessly!


10:39:00 am
Good morning and a Happy New Week to you. How was your weekend and how has life been in general? 

Really having the best season of my life because I'm growing daily in the knowledge of God and gaining serious spiritual insights. Because as He is so am I in this world, I discovered as I gain more knowledge of God, I get to know myself more better. This has really helped to keep my life together and helped me focus properly to know what God really wants me to do.

Today, I want to share something really important with you. And that is.... EMOTIONS!

I think as human beings, we're just naturally emotional and seem to work more by what we see and feel than the truth in God's word. The truth however is that our feelings aren't always true and as such shouldn't be trusted. 

I remember in a dream sometime ago, I lost my dad and we were planning his burial. I wept so bitterly in that dream and didn't stop even after I woke up. It felt so real.... I just kept crying and then, I didn't even have a phone to contact my dad. Weeks later, my dad came around to visit and he was hale and hearty and you needed to have seen how I jumped on him in excitement.

The truth is that while I dreamt, my dad was very much alive, but because of my dreams and the emotions that followed I felt he was already dead. This is exactly how emotions play out.... They're mostly always not true or real, but because we're in the flesh, we assume it's true. This is the means through which fear holds a firm grip on us. We fear what we don't see and hope for the worst because what we see doesn't look like what we hope for.

One sure thing I've come to discover that stays true is the word of God. If it says you have been blessed, then you're blessed. If it says you have the wisdom of God, you have it. If it says you have not been given the spirit of fear but of love, of power and of a sound mind, it is the truth. It doesn't matter what your body says or how you feel physically, stick with the word and draw from your already gained victory.

Having learnt this, I don't give room to fear, because that's not who I am and that's not what the word says about me. He says I'm powerful, full of wisdom, strong, able, etc and I believe Him. I don't let my emotions rule, I let His motions (word) rule. 

Walk through this week and beyond with this mindset and you'll see how fearless you'll live. 

Have a fulfilling week.

Love you large 

WE ARE MODELS.... the earth is our runway

9:41:00 am
Image: Google
This my model though, I can't stop laughing 😂 😂 

Ever thought of being a model but you think you don't have all it takes to be one? Not slim, no long legs, can't catwalk, not ready to go naked on camera, not macho enough, no beards, too religious to walk that path? 

Hey...... Calm down 😂 

What if I told you you don't need all of that to be a model? As a matter of fact you're a model just the way you are! Yes, I said that..... But the question is, what are you modelling? 

As models on earth, we're here to model our purpose and that is the unique solution God has given you to make available to the world. 

Models, model clothes, shoes, products, body, etc.... In same manner you're here to model your product which is your purpose. 

You don't need a catwalk to do that, neither do you need to be slim, Shapy, etc. All you need is the one who gave you this assignment and all that He has equipped you with to carry out this assignment.

The question is,
What is your product? 
Have you taken your space on the runway? 
If not, What's stopping you?

Unlike the regular modeling, all you need is the verdict of the father and you have that already, the next line of action would be to step out in faith and catwalk your way to greatness. He has you, and He will walk you through the whole process. Don't be afraid of missing your steps or even falling, His arms are readily available to hold you, just trust Him and step out in faith, you'll do great. 

The earth is yours to posses, let's have your product! 

Live Fearlessly!
Love you large.


7:16:00 am
Image: Google
Good morning and a great week to you. How was your weekend? I had quite an eventful one. I attended the "LIVE YOUR DREAMS AFRICA" conference in Lagos State and it was quite insightful. 

On Sunday, I honoured an interview invitation I had with The Ambassadors Radio Show, where I talked about my new book. I really appreciate God for the privilege that comes with walking in your purpose. Once you step out in faith, God goes ahead of you to prepare platforms for you and have things ready for you.
About today's post! 

One of my greatest fears was staying consistent if I ever got the courage to live my purpose. I struggled with this fear and it hindered me from taking steps because I have a little challenge with going through when I start on some projects. Eventually, I got the courage to launch out and not be that selfish girl who doesn't want to use what God has given her to serve the people He has designed for her to reach. 

While on my journey, God made me realize it wasn't about me. It was first and most importantly about Him, and then the people He has designed for me to reach. I needed to take myself off the equation because if you're focused on you or feel it's about you, you can wake up one day and say you're done, then pack up and be that normal person.

The courage you're picking up to step out in faith isn't really about you,
That gift God has given you, isn't about you,
That purpose God has birth through you, isn't about you,
You need to take yourself off the equation and that way you can go all out and do this job. Unless you intentionally want to be disobedient or selfish and I believe you don't want to do that and even if you do want to do that, I'm telling you not to.

The beautiful thing about all of this is that God is not unfaithful not to reward your efforts. So, you still get blessed.... It's not like you're working for free. However, the gain shouldn't be your focus. It should be pleasing God and serving others. 

I hope you step out in faith and do what God has called you to do. God has you.

Have a great week!
Live Fearlessly.


10:47:00 am
Happy Tuesday..... 

During my university days, we were grouped to do a prison project. This project entailed, visiting the prisons, interacting with the inmates to find out the offence they were charged with, how long they had been in prison and other necessary information.

During this exercise, I discovered that everyone in that prison including the innocent ones and those who did commit the offence they were charged with wanted one thing, and that was freedom. Certain activities that go on outside the prison walls also take place in the prison to help the inmates, but that wasn't enough, they wanted the life beyond the walls. 
Self imprisonment is when you allow all that you desire to be, all that God has called you to be, all the lives you need to impact, all the love you could give and receive, all the free life you would have lived, your opinions, inputs to the world, all your dreams and aspirations, the very life you want to have to exist only in your imagination and roaming behind the walls of fear. 

The prisoners I used for illustrations above are in the prison and could take part in certain activities like schooling, football, carpentry, etc, but all these existed only in the prison, not beyond it. You can fantasize all you want and travel the world in your head, until it comes to materialization it's still a dream and you're still a prisoner of your own self.

The difference between you and the prisoners above is that you have a choice to set yourself free because you have the keys, but these prisoners don't.

You can and should decide today, to live that life you fantasize about in reality not in the prison walls of fear.

Decide to free yourself, to walk the path less travelled, to live your best, to fulfill your purpose, to make impact, to live a life worthy to be remembered, to be bold and fearless.

The choice is yours.... To stay prisoner of fear or set yourself free to fly beyond limits.
I hope you choose wisely.

Stay fearless and enjoy your week. 
Love you large 😍 


2:39:00 pm
Image source: Google
This month seem to be running pretty fast... Can't imagine we're in the 5th month already. Thank God all the same. What have you been upto these past months? How are your 2017 goals coming up? Have you hit any target yet? Just so you know, time is running and it's running pretty fast, do your best to get on track, so you're not left out, okay? 
About today's post,
Do you know I'm a good actress? *rolls eyes*😂 ...well I am, just that I haven't made it to the screens yet, I just might, who knows?😉

Well, the kind of acting I did back then in secondary school and my pre-degree days weren't the ones where we used a prepared script. You're just told what to do and you do that in your own words... But this method isn't professional at all and had it's flaws. However, the cast still tried to stick to their role. 

If I'll have to hit the screens with this skill, I must master the act of using my script and saying or acting exactly what's written there as my role irrespective of what I think might be a better alternative. In other words, as an actor or actress, you have a duty to stick to your script.

What does this have to do with my post today? 
God has created us uniquely with our unique scripts which we're supposed to live out, right here. The mistake many make is that, some don't find their role interesting enough so they want to take up another's role. Some, love theirs but can't stick to their script so they just copy that of their neighbour. Some are not patient enough to play their role till they transcend to the end of the movie. Some aren't even playing their role at all, they're just spectators. Some left their script and took up the one their parents wrote for them or the society.

Your script is unique to you and you need a good understanding of your role and the intention of the script writer to know that every actor is as important as the other and every role is as unique as the other. The script writer (God) and director prepared the cast and their roles with the intention that each perform their roles without rival.

The question is, how are you going about yours? Have you understood your script(purpose)? Are you acting (fulfilling) already? Are you copying someone else's role?

It's time to STICK TO YOUR SCRIPT, this is how you stand out and stay relevant.

Have a wonderful month and stay fearless.
Love you large 😘

Worried About How To Share Your Big Idea With Friends?

12:23:00 pm
Image Source: Google 
Hello guys, 
How have you been? I've not been faithful to the blog, I know *covers face* there's so much going on with me (all good though).

Goodnews is that I launched my first book titled "27" SINGLE, SAVED AND SATISFIED on 27th April, 2017. Its currently on okadabooks and you can purchase yours here. Better still, you can send a message via any of my platforms and we can arrange on how you can get your copy. 

It's a good read for every single lady or guy. So, do well to get yours and do share with me your experience with the book when you eventually read. 
To today's post! 

My blog was first created in 2014. I remember it was between midnight/early hours of the morning and my morale was really high as I played around the internet with the little skill I have designing the platform where I could finally share my thoughts and connect with the world. 

With excitement and enthusiasm, I slept after I was done, with the intention to start writing later that day. But as morning approached and I woke up from sleep, several thoughts began to ruminate my brain. Thoughts like, how am I going to tell my friends I now have a blog?  Won't they laugh at me? What was I going to write that hasn't been written? Who was going to read? Etc. As I pondered on these thoughts, gradually my morale went flat and I just forgot about the whole thing till 2 Years later. 

In 2016, I told myself "enough is enough" and I finally took the courage to start writing on my blog. Telling my friends about it was the most difficult part. I just managed to share the post on facebook where I may not be judged much because most people don't know me personally there and later on, with fear and my chest beating really hard I managed to tell my friends about it and shared the link with them. 

Surprisingly, I got massive support from them and really, I wasn't expecting that they wouldn't, but my fear was "what if they laughed at the whole idea" or didn't find it fascinating as I did?😔 .... Well I did it anyway and it felt cool. 
First, When you have a nudge to do something, do it immediately. If you wait for the next few minutes or days, you may end up not doing it, because at this time, vicious voices in your head may begin to tell you all the reasons why you can't or shouldn't do that stuff. 

Secondly, telling your friends or family about your dreams or goals can be really hard, especially when you all are used to to doing things a certain way. It's hard because you may expect all the support from them and there's this fear lurking around in your head that they may laugh at you (sincerely, if they do, it hurts the most). Some friends and family may not or won't support you at first especially when they don't understand your idea and find it silly.

What do you do?
1. Always remember everyone may not support you, so before you share your ideas with them have a mind ready to accept their encouragement or discouragement. Either way, their attitude shouldn't be your determining factor.

2. Keep working on that idea even if you have to do it alone without initial support. Once they see your zeal and commitment they'll come around to appreciate what you do. So, never give up.

3. If you can't handle negative energy yet, don't bother sharing your idea with them. Take a step First and then you can inform them about it.

4. Never second guess yourself because of what people think. Step out in faith and do that which has been laid in your heart

I hope these few tips help you handle sharing your big idea with your friends and family.

Have you shared ideas with Friends or family? How did they take it? Share with me... 

Have a wonderful day and stay fearless!

Love you large 😘 


7:12:00 am
Good morning and a Happy New Week to you. I've not be faithful here, I know... Forgive me, there's just so much on my hands at the moment. Will be back pretty soon.

Have you heard yet? My book wil be launched on the 24th of this month.... *dancing*
If you haven't read an excerpt from the book which I shared on my birthday right here on the blog, you can read it here. This book is a must read for every single lady or guy. It's still open for pre-order at the cost of #1000, after launch it goes up to #1500. So, place your order by sending a text to this number 08137278865 or an email to

Down to our discussion for today.
Growing up I hated being in trouble and I hated failing, so once I perceive I may probably fail a thing, I don't bother daring because I can't stand the feeling when I fail. Pretty safe huh?

But fear leveraged on this attitude and kept me stuck for a really long time and this affected my growth and progress. But thank God I'm not that person anymore.

If you see the teddy bear in this picture, it looks pretty safe and yet looks like it's not breathing and would probably loose it's life. This is exactly the situation of anyone who is playing safe in this life's affairs.

You need to take your dreams and goals more seriously, stretch yourself to capacity and beyond the ordinary.
You need to want your change bad enough that comfort becomes inconveniencing for you.
You need to step out from those things that give you satisfaction and make you feel relaxed.
You need to surround yourself with people who push you to live your best and not people who just pet you around.
You need to say yes to yourself everyday and say no to anything that will keep you where you were yesterday.

It's okay to want your safety, but safe isn't safe enough. Safety is when you know you have done all there is to be done and your goals have been smashed.

Stretch yourself to capacity and step out with courage. The best is ahead of you.

Have a fearless week
Love you large.


9:05:00 am
Image source: Instagram
Good Morning Darlings and a Happy New Week!

How was your weekend?
Mine was a little eventful.... On Saturday I attended an event hosted by Ibadan Entrepreneurs Network (IEN) tagged "MINDSET MAKEOVER" it was quite exciting and I got the push to keep running with my vision. If you have opportunities to attend any event paid or free that will aid your growth please do, you can never over learn. Then on Sunday I went to church and got loads of blessings to keep me going.

So that was the little I did over the weekend. Do you mind sharing with me what you did? Would love to hear from you.
Down to the gist for today! 
You see that picture there and the attitude of the little girl towards what's staring her in the face? 

When fear shows up, that's how huge it presents a percieved danger so that you can run and leave all the amazing stuff you should be doing. The irony of the whole thing is that what it presents to you is not real, it's just a trick to scare you off.

The question is, when you know your fears are not real, what then should be your attitude? You should PERSIST to do that which you fear.

Face that fear and confront it just like the little girl in this picture.

Your fears are not real.... The idea is to scare you off and keep you stuck, don't let it. 

What will you be doing this week to move yourself foward? I'll love to hear from you.

Do have yourself a fulfilling week and live fearlessly.

Love you Large 😘 

What will your life look like if you weren't afraid?

10:34:00 am
Image source: Google
I'm a bit emotional this morning, as I think and ponder on my life and journey so far. 

I got a question from someone on what motivates me when I get pressured, tired or overwhelmed and feel like quitting. As I thought about all the good things that keep me going, the one that sprang up emotions in me was the person I was when I allowed fear control my life and decisions.

I don't want to ever be that person anymore!

I made bad choices, settled, got stuck, battled with identity crisis, had bitterness and anger littered all over my life, struggled with unhealthy competitions, depended on people for joy, tormenting thoughts of who I could have been if I tried, I felt like a prisoner, wasn't even proud of who I called "God" or to boldly talk about Him and live in the fullness of who I am in Christ Jesus. 

Image source: Google
This was what my life looked like. 
The irony about this whole thing was that everyone thought I was brave and doing just great. But I knew the battle that went on deep inside. I sought validation from people and things, and once they disappoint me, I feel so low. 

Amongst other reasons to press on, this particular person, is someone I'll never wish to be anymore. 

What about you? Who will you be if fear didn't rule your life? What will your life look like? What are you willing to do to change the status or are you comfortable living like a prisoner? Why allow fear to keep setting the pace in your life? 
That people think you're fearless or doing just great isn't enough and you shouldn't bank on that. Be sure "you" are doing great. 

There's a very beautiful life on the other side of fear, but you have to give yourself a chance to be free. 
What's your decision? 
If you need help, I'm here for you.

Fearless living isn't just some trend, it's a lifestyle everyone should embrace to live a fulfilling and purposeful life. I hope you make that Choice today.

Have a great day and live fearlessly!

Love you large 


12:48:00 pm
HAPPY NEW MONTH HAPPY READER? Hope you're one though 😂? But you should be, there's no reason to be sad, alright?

How has this year been for you? I'll confess, it's been pretty challenging, but God has been teaching me alot with all that's happening around me too. This is why, I keep saying that to survive this life, contentment is a great tool that you can't do without.

Let me share a story with you.

I was having a chat with someone and she told me "Amaka, what if my time has passed?" I shouted and said "Whaaaaat? How old are you? She's in her mid 20s, but it just happened that things aren't really working out the way she thought. So I told her not to ever say that again. I shared with her instances of those who made it at 30,40,45, etc.

Some of the things I shared with her is what I want to share with you in this post.

1. Your clock and the world's clock isn't same with God. "To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven"....Ecclesiastes 3:1 KJV

You are a product of purpose and as a product of purpose, your seasons here on earth has been programmed by your creator. What best can you do, if not to be patient and trust God's time for you?

2. If you can't trust God, you can't survive hard times. Jesus didn't promise there won't be hard times, but in these hard times, we're made to understand that they are light afflictions which are working out something great and glorious in our lives.

3. Your time has't passed.
Whatever it is you desire from the Lord. Be it job, spouse, finance, fame, etc. Your time hasn't passed, it only passes when God says so and when you give up and quit trusting.

4. Sometimes you'll really be left out, but this doesn't mean you're left "out" of God's plan. You might be left out in the world's expectations or calendar, but in God's you're still in His plans.

5. Do not compare your journey.
Our journey here on earth is different and peeping someone's journey and comparing it with yours is heartbreak. It's not necessary at all. You just need to keep your eye fixed on God and do His bidding whenever He calls.

6. Godliness with contentment is great gain.
Contentment doesn't mean everything is cool, it's a state of inward sufficiency and absolute trust in God, who alone can turn your life and situation around.

Darling, don't feel discouraged yet or quit on God. I'm having my share of the tussle, but that's part of the story of glory I await. Keep trusting even when nothing makes sense and let the word of God enrich you.

This too shall pass.

Love you large!
Live fearlessly!

"27" SINGLE, SAVED AND SATISFIED: An excerpt from my new book

12:51:00 pm
Happy Birthday To Me!!! 
I have never been this excited about my birthdays all my life, this year just stands out and I'll share some of the reasons with you in this excerpt from my yet to be released book. God is Soooooo awesome and everyone deserves to have a taste of His awesomeness.

First of all, meet the birthday girl, lol..... 

WARNING! Only the patient and brave will read to the end. 

From when I clocked 23 I was always scared of my birthdays, why? I felt at my age I had not achieved a lot as I would have loved to achieve, so I always got scared when my birthdays were approaching. But this year I actually feel different about clocking 27. Not because my life is all perfect now and I have achieved all I want to achieve, but because I have grown to see life from a better and a very unique perspective. I’ve learnt that God is the author of my life and how He has planned it from creation is how things are playing out for me. I’ve learned to be appreciative of every season of my life and learn the lessons that accompany it. I’ve learned that I’m not in competition with anyone, so I stay focused on my journey and in my lane. I’ve learned that my life is on purpose and I live to fulfill every stage of my journey. I’ve learned that finding my purpose and walking in it is one of the best things that happened to me. I’ve learned that it’s so sweet to trust in Jesus and to take Him at his word and to rest upon His promise. I’ve learned that I’m not in competition with anybody,  I have my race and you have yours. I’ve also learned to be grateful for each day whether I have all that I need to survive or not, as long as there’s life, there’s hope. 
I take apostle Paul's word for it "...for I have learned in whatever state I am, therewith to be content" (Philippians 4:11 KJV) 

 If you’ve ever planned your life around the dictates and expectations of this world, you’ll agree with me that 27 years actually stir fear in the heart of many singles, ladies especially. 27 is close to the big 30 and in the world’s mentality and standard, how do you clock 27 without being in a serious relationship or unengaged or unmarried? Many become worried and afraid that they’re running out of time so they begin to settle and cut down on their godly standards for a ring. The question is, Who set these rules for us? Who created these standards? What laws or regulations govern this policy? How exactly did we get here?

I got a question from a dear friend one day and she said “Amy are my standards too high?” and my response was “how can God based standards be too high that you need to drop low and settle just to find a spouse?” who then are we struggling to please exactly? God or man and the pressures the world brings?

I’m not writing because I’ve always been this girl that had it all together, the girl who didn’t settle, the girl who was never afraid that her boy friend might leave, the girl who took her God and godly principles seriously, as a matter of fact, I’m the least qualified to write on this subject, but then I know it’s God who shows us mercy and qualifies us regardless of how our past has been. So, I’m writing because I know better now and in the last one year of my life I’ve realized that there’s more to life than a ring. A life with a clear purpose is one, a life with deep self awareness and acceptance is another, a life of total surrender to God is another, a life of contentment is another, a life lived to impact others is another, a life without strife is one, a life of joy and peace is one and the list continues. 
A ring without purpose isn't a life you should crave for, be sure to have your purpose sorted out with God and then with God too you can pick a partner who you can work together to fulfill that purpose. Purpose keeps you busy 24/7, it burns in your heart and all you want to do is please God and carry out His assignment. If you're living life on the track God has placed you, you'll not bother about Mr or Miss A getting married while you're still single. 
Ecclesiastes 3:1 says "to everything there's a season and a time to every purpose under the heaven"
God has assigned time to every one of us and planned our lives as it should be and in a manner that will please Him, why rush to walk on another's time when yours is ticking? 

I had always wanted to get married at most at 26. Today, I’m 27, unengaged and unmarried and I don’t even know when it’s going to be and sincerely I’m not bothered. When God the author of time decides it’s my turn, then I’ll honourably  smile my way to the altar with my God given spouse, but until then I’ve chosen to stay content and satisfied knowing that my life is on purpose.

Was I ever preparing to get wedded? Yes, but It’s unfortunate that while I stocked up my picture gallery with wedding gown samples, colour combos, decoration samples, etc and read up on all it will take to plan a wedding, I never had a real life. I was in love and it was beautiful and what could be more beautiful than being in love and planning to get married to the love of your life right? I really wanted to get married because marriage will save me the stress of worrying about fornication. I could just have sex and do all the mushy stuff in peace. There were no plans for the life after the wedding, I knew my purpose but I kept it aside “why bore my life with all that stress?” I drenched myself in fear, waited for approval from men and  for the day I miraculously become great. But greatness doesn’t happen that way, it takes obedience to God, discipline and focus to achieve greatness. My life had no definition, no destination, all my plan was to just “get married and stay loved up”

God being the master planner stepped in as always and shattered our plans and He wasn’t bothered about how much we loved each other, His concern was to fulfill His purpose for our lives. What God does in our lives isn’t exactly to make us happy; rather He works to fulfill His purpose. His intervention might hurt or crush you and your plans, but in the end it works for our good. 

"And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose"
(Romans 8:29 KJV) 
We’re living out a written script, so it's really not about us but about what God wants to achieve through us which is always for our good eventually. We can confirm this by what God told Jeremiah, He said to him; 
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew [and] approved of you [as my chosen instrument], and before you were born I separated you and set you apart, concentrating you; [and] I appointed you as a prophet to the nations"
(Jeremiah 1: 5 AMP)

  As God knew Jeremiah, it’s the same way He knows us and all we we're ever going to be or go through long before we were conceived. Our lives have been predestined right from creation so there’s no need trying to run ahead of God.

We must understand that God works out all things including the ugly ones for our good. So, if God messes up your plans be grateful because it’s for a greater purpose.

For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us, a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory. (2cor 4:17)

1. Light affliction 
It doesn't matter what you're facing as a single lady or guy, if Bible calls it light, then you must believe it's light. Are you 27 like I am or 30 and above and you're yet to meet your spouse? it doesn't matter it's a light situation. Have you been dissapointed or heart broken severally? It's still a light situation , it's not a big deal for God, so don't soak yourself in worry making your inability to get married become a giant issue for you. However, a life without God and purpose isn't a light affliction, we must get that right. 

2. But for a moment 
This goes to show that no situation you're in today is going to last. It's just for a season and when this season will elapse can only be determined by God, because He's the author of time, not by your feelings or by the fact that all your friends are married. 

3. Worketh for us
Whatever you've been through or you're going through is working out something for you. That heart break could be God saving you from a marriage that could ruin your life. That delay could be God building your patience and preventing you from a danger ahead. It could also be for you to use your situation to help someone else. Everyting going on in our lives is working something out for us. However, the key to knowing the job a situation in your life is to do for you, is to ask God. 

4. Far exceeding eternal weight of glory.
Can you imagine this? An eternal weight of glory? Nothing in this world can beat this! When God is finished with you, people will wonder how did you get here and why you.

One peculiar problem we have as young people is our inability to be patient and trust God. We are always looking around, comparing our lives with others, social media and the entertainment industry isn't making it any easier for us, but this should not be so. Where exactly are we rushing to, that you'll rather rush on a bus instead of waiting for your private jet when at the end of the day, we all will get to the same destination?

It's like I'm writing the whole book already as a blog post, lol. This is where I stop on the excerpt to my upcoming book. This book is too loaded and this is just a tip of the iceberg. I was working on some fearless living books, before the spirit of God prompted me to halt them and start this. I had to obey, so make sure you grab a copy for yourself. 

This book will first be launched as an e-book in April 2017.
The cost is #1000 for those who will pre-order, after launch it will be sold at #1500 

If you would love to have a copy, you can pre-order by sending a whatsapp message to 08137278865 or send an email to 

Thank you for following through to this point. God bless you!
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