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4:30:00 pm

Do you know?.....That the distance between where you are now and where you ought to be is fear?...and during this life changing seminar we'll be disecting the "HOWs" of Breaking the Jar of Fear And Standing Up To Your Dreams.

It's the first of its kind and it's my honour to invite you to The "FEARLESS LIVING VIRTUAL SEMINAR"
Happening this weekend (Saturday & Sunday)
Time: 7pm(Nigerian Time)
Venue: Whatsapp

To register, send "Break The Jar" via whatsapp to any of the contacts on the flier.

Thank you and I expect to see you there.


12:04:00 pm
Who told you it was going to be easy?
Who told you you must succeed at once?
Who told you you're the only one on this journey?
Who told you fear is not going to stand in your way?
Who told you everyone is going to support you?
Who told you everything will go as planned?
Who told you giving up is the last resort?

Whoever told you these lied to you!

Dearie, The Truth is this...
It's not going to be easy.
You may fail here and there or miss it.
Thousands are on this journey of fulfilling purpose.
Mr Fear the frenemy will always be there.
No hun, not everyone will cheer you.
Also everything won't go as you planned.
But... Giving up is not the last resort.

The option is to Try Again.
The option is to do it all over.
The option is to stay courageous.
The option is to not give up.
The option is to STAY ON THE RACE

Have a fearless week


10:13:00 am
Image source: Google 
When I got to law school, I tried so hard to set a goal on making First Class. But I couldn't. I just couldn't imagine it with all the stories I heard about how difficult bar exams were and where I placed my academic strength.

One of my lecturers in university asked me "Amaka, hope you're aiming for First class?" I laughed so hard at myself and the question. I couldn't just picture myself making First Class. Then I told him I didn't want First Class, that I don't even see myself making one. So he told me, I understand your fears, but once you start reading voraciously, your confidence will heighten and you'll see that you can make First Class.

As my bar exams drew closer, I read like crazy. Covering all that I needed to cover. I read and read till my mind started realizing the possibility of making a First Class. But it was somehow late now, cause the preparation I made earlier wasn't for a First Class.

So, what exactly am I saying?
You need to take courageous steps towards your goals, waiting to be confident enough to start will be a long wait. Confidence comes after a courageous step is taken.

Learn to move and do what God has laid in your heart even if you have to do it afraid. Once you start, confidence will follow suit.

Have a fearless Friday!
Love you large.


10:16:00 am
I write to you who's lost, at that spot you're standing there's a way, just open your eyes to it.

I write to you who's broken, from the tiny bits of your broken self lies strength you cannot imagine till you try to gather up these pieces.

I write to you who's afraid, at the other end of your fear is freedom.

I write to you who's in lack, there's a supply for you, but you need to shift your thoughts from lack to abundance.

I write to you who's alone, learning to be your own company might be the greatest thing you'll discover do for yourself.

I write to you who has lost a loved one, God has great and better plans for you.

I write to you who's discouraged, life can be crazy but you'll survive, so encourage yourself and brace up.

I write to you who's going through the process of self discovery, trust me it's the best journey you can ever take on.

I write to you who has it all together, thank God for you, gratitude is the best way to maintain the pace.

I write to us all going through one phase or the other, it's all life's process, everything is going to be alright.

Have a blessed day!
Love you large 

This Is What You're Running From

11:28:00 am
Image Source: Google 

Happy looonnnngggg holidays!
It's been a week of rest for everyone in Nigeria cause of the Salah event. I had fun this week even though the enemy tried to ruin it, but God didn't let him. Hope yours was exciting too?

Well, today I want to share something I believe we all are struggling with. And that thing is....


This morning I had some worries about a project I'm working on whether I'll pull through with it, so when this worry creeped in, I quickly had to address why it's there, and what I discovered was that I was simply afraid of the responsibility that'll come with the change of expanding my comfort zone by taking on that project!

Change comes with responsibilities and the thought of that, makes us settle for the option of remaining where we are. We think, we can't handle what a change will bring, so we stay stuck and refuse to move.

But one truth remains, and that is....

As long as we live, changes will occur. Change in jobs, relationship status, friends, interests, feelings, career, etc. And we need to brace ourselves with the armour of courage and confidence that we can handle whatever change that comes.

You can master the art of saying "I can handle it" even when impossibility stares you in the face. This really helps.

Embrace change and see it as a way of life.
Take the risk of making changes in the areas of your life you're not comfortable with.
Put on courage and believe you can handle the responsibility that comes with it.
If you're not open to change, you'll remain stuck and life will keep passing you by. So how long are you going to be your own enemy?

Get up, step up and stay up!

Fearless living comes with making positive changes and If you're afraid of change, you can never make a change!

Have a great weekend,
Love you large 💖


10:57:00 am
Image Source: Google 
Happy New Week's the first Monday in the month of July the 2nd quarter of the year. How was your weekend? Hope you rested enough and you're fully charged to make the remaining months in this year count? If you haven't, you really should.

So down to today's gist.
I believe most of us are very familiar with the heading of this post "don't pack your eggs in one basket" is mostly used when people get into relationships and they get the warning, not to date a person, so that when he or she messes up they can have a back up plan.

There's the tendency to wrap our whole life around a particular area of our life, for instance you get a new job you pour your whole life into it or a new relationship or marriage or friendship, etc.
We tend to Chanel our whole life and energy to this new thriving area that we allow the other areas of our lives to suffer.

Somehow along the line, as nothing really lasts forever, something happens to this area of our life that we've built our world around, e. g you lose your job, your relationship breaks down, you lose that friendship, etc and it appears your whole world has crumbled.

But imagine, you gave 100 % commitment to all the areas of your life, career, relationship, personal development, marriage, leisure, spiritual, health, etc. Instead of making an area your whole life?

What if every area of your life received same attention like the others?

What if you could really balance your life wholly and completely?

This is very possible!
And you can achieve this by giving full commitment and concentration to every area of your life, so that the fall in one area will not crash the rest.

I hope you can try that this new Week and 2nd quarter of the year, you're sure to experience a different kind of life that's more fulfilling.

This way you stay FEARLESS.

Love you large


6:49:00 pm
Image source: Google 
HAPPY JULY darlings!
How has the 1st half of the year treated you? Good, bad or ugly? However it was chill, this piece is going to make you feel better.

I'm not one that do much of new year resolutions and even when I do, I don't usually follow through with it.
But this year there was this one thing I thought would happen in my life, it would have been a huge one for me (will share it later). It was one of my plans for the year, but mid way into the year this plan crashed, it crashed like a plane would and it crushed me too. It was a very though experience for me and gathering strength to start all over was very difficult.

I had put in so much to see to it that this plan fell through but it didn't, that month was very dark and fiery for me.

Then somehow God helped me and pulled me up, He thought me to trust Him through it all. He told me He had things under control and He'll take care of me.

I stood up, wiped my tears, had a good bath and dressed up to slay.

Two things were involved, it's either I made new and better plans or I remained in misery.But I chose the former. I made new plans, searched deeper for my greater self, became more intentional, chose happiness and gratitude, started my pursuit of purpose.

You have to open your eyes to see and understand  why a door is closing behind you. You have to come to terms with the fact that life will sometimes serve you what we didn't bargain for. But are you supposed to end our journey there?

Truth is, some times our plans fail and that's when you know "this is life" and how you handle your disappointments is what shows how strong you are.

You had a resolution or plan and it didn't fall through?
You didn't have one and you're just roaming.
You don't think there's time to start all over again?

Majority of my breakthroughs this year was never in my resolution, I had a plan but it failed.
It takes a second for your life to change, you don't need the whole year. Darling step up and set new goals. You need to be happy and live a life you can be proud of.

Don't give room for anything that'll keep you stuck or unhappy.
Embrace your higher self, choose your dreams and pursue it endlessly even if you have to do it afraid.

God has you and you are not alone.

Love you large
Have a blessed month, make the remaining six months count.
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