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10:28:00 am
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Hello and welcome to a new and exciting week!

I'm as excited about this week as this image up here, lol. First off, how did your weekend go? Mine was pretty much eventful and quite busy. Aside the regular weekend chores and activities, this weekend was the Fearless Living monthly virtual seminar which we hold at every last weekend of the month. Part of what I want to share with you today was what I shared with them last weekend.

The theme of the seminar was "How To Stay Winning"

Winning first of all begins with our mindset. Also, our perception of life experiences and challenges will determine whether we'll stay winning or not.

Developing a no-lose mindset means, having or building a positive attitude or mindset towards life's challenges. For instance, your perception about the loss of a job might be, "life has ended for me" while to someone else it might be "it's time to explore other opportunities"..... Another instance, your perception about a break up might be "I'm not good enough for him or her" while to someone else it might me "He or she didn't deserve me"

Your challenges become exactly what you perceive them to be. You can either see it as the close of a chapter in your story and the beginning of another chapter in your story or the end of your story.

In developing a no-lose mindset;

a. You must always tell yourself that you can handle whatever life throws at you and that every challenge is an experience with its lesson that shapes you positively into a better person.

b. You must know and understand that whatever happens to you happens for a purpose and also it happens to build your character and mould you into a better person or help you explore a part of you, you never knew existed.

c. You must be open to embrace challenges and see them as part of life. While you hope for the best, you also prepare for the worst, so it doesn't take you unawares.

d. You must always find a positive side of whatever challenge life throws you no matter how ugly it seems.

e. You must always remember that you're not what you've been through, there's so much more to you and these challenges pull out that part of you that's yet to unfold. Never allow your circumstances affect you negatively, stay positive regardless.

Hey, this is not a mindset you build overnight, it takes time and practice too, but it's very doable.

Will you try it?
What's your perception about challenges? Share with me in the comment section.

Hope this helps you to have a positive attitude this week. So have a fulfilling and fearless week.

Love you large.
Live fearlessly!


11:44:00 am
It feels really good to be back home, lol. Writing is home for me incase you don't know. Can't believe I've been away from here for about three months.... It's not been easy at all as there's been challenges here and there.

 At some point it was me being all confused and not really knowing where i was headed with what i was doing. A lot of opinions were flying here and there, i felt like i was loosing myself and had no clarity about what i was doing. I just needed sometime to just clear my head and go back to God and understand what He really wants me to do. I didn't want to loose myself while on my journey or find myself being distracted by what other people were doing. This was actually how i started taking a backseat to really figure things out.

While i was getting over this stage, i had my masters exams coming up, so rather than get back to work i decided to just focus more on my books and work as there were just a lot of things competing for my interest. Before i knew what was happening, the ASUU strike stepped in, lol.  And my phone which i used majorly spoilt because of work overload and i lost so many important documents i had saved up. It was as though everything was happening at thesame time, but all to God's glory as i had extra time to really put things in perspective.

was it all bad? Hell No!

I had some amazing moments while i was away.

First and major was my growth in the knowledge of God, some of which i'll be sharing with you from time to time. Gosh! To think i had a wrong perception of God for several years was disheartening. I got to understand the depth of God's love and the efficacy of Christ's death and blood. I can't wait to share all my findings with you guys and tell you how this knowledge has totally changed and improved my relationship with God. Truly, knowledge is everything and no wonder Apostle Paul's prayers were majorly for knowledge.

This post is becoming longer than i thought... Forgive me, you know this is all gist.

Next was my speaking engagement at a TEDx event organized by TEDxUI. I was super excited to share my message with the world. I really had such an amazing time sharing with them on "Dare To Be Abnormal" The video isn't out yet, when it's out i'll definitely share with you guys, but right now you can see some pictures from the event. Do you know i was to speak for just 18 minutes? At TEDx you're given a limited time to communicate your idea to the audience. As someone who loves talking, it was such a short time but i did a lot with it.
With the keynote speaker
I was grabbing the microphone to take my turn on stage
 I remember i was told i was going to be the first speaker, lol.... I refused o, and was eventually the second speaker.
Here i was done speaking and handing over the microphone

That moment you're trying to make sense and also smile in between, lol

LOL! When you're trying so hard to make sense!
Long talk you will say.... Hope you enjoyed reading and watching my pictures.
Thanks for reading this far, i really appreciate. This is to officially say i'm back to business. Will try my best to post at least twice a week.

what about you? What have you been up to so far? Share in the comment box please.

Thank you for all your support! 

Love you large.

Live Fearlessly!
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