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2:40:00 pm
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How was the past week? Mine was pretty eventful cause I pushed myself beyond the limits i've always placed for myself. I conquered most of my fears and I'm willing to do more. I started this blog, my facebook page, revived my instagram page to spread the gospel of fearlessness, posted more contents on my facebook. Someone may not see it as huge but for me it is. Is a step out from my fears and i'm energized to do more.

You'll ask how did I do this?
I could do this because I talked to someone/ people about my fears. I told them how I couldn't use the voice I have, how I couldn't share my thoughts cause I was concerned about what people will think about my posts. These people helped me, first was God and then individuals, they opened my eyes to the fact that fear is just a mirage and soooo unreal.

Dearie, maybe you're having similar fears like I did, and I get you. But you cannot remain where you are, you need help and should talk to someone. Wondering who to talk to? ME! Yeah me, I can help you out. God wants you to be your best and you can't be that curling up on your bed and filling your journal with ideas. Reach out so you Can launch out.

Maximize this week and don't let it pass without doing something great! Get on that steering and allow your fears #TAKETHEBACKSEAT

Love you large!
Have a great week!


8:18:00 pm
Lol! How did I come about this title? #stillthinking...
Today started out so well and I felt great from start to finish. Ordinarily, I wouldn't have felt that great cause I struggled to do my subscription so I could meet up with my daily goal for this week. Unfortunately, it just wasn't working and i'm not usually patient with such delays. But today I was calm and I wondered where the maturity was coming from, lol. I kept myself busy with a book, helped out a friend with a few tasks and thereafter we went for a hang out, don't say that's why i'm happy o cause I didn't see it coming.

So what's the gist right? well, I realise i'm attaining this level of maturity that I decide what gets to me and what doesn't. I am becoming more responsible about how I feel and what gets to me. I'm also learning that sometimes things may not go as I plan it so I have to always prepare for the unknown. Just this evening when I had taken my mind off the whole subscription thing it clicked even without my knowing. I wanted to skip blogging today cause the day was far spent, using that as an excuse, but instead I said there's no room for excuses, infact there's no excuse again because my subscription has pulled through.

Dearie, which excuse are you making today? What are you allowing to steal your joy? What decisions are you making? How well are you complying with your set out goals? How and what are you feeling today?
For this feel friday, Think on these things.
Have a lovely weekend
Love you large

And don't forget to get on the steering and allow your fears #TAKETHEBACKSEAT


3:24:00 pm
"You are the light of the world, a city set on a hill cannot be hidden" Matt 5: 14(Amp)

This passage of the scripture ignites great passion and excitement in me. In the creator's manual He made you light, not like light but LIGHT itself. Except you choose to be darkness, then is a product of your choice.

Now we know how bright the sun shines to light up the day and the moon at night, how glittering the stars are at night and how bright diamonds shine as well. That's how God designed us to shine. To illuminate the world both day and night, so if you aren't shining yet what's stopping you? I think I have an idea...
Our frenemy "FEAR" but you know what? Courage is by the corner just waiting for you to grab it, and once you do you'll be amazed at how much light and brightness you bear.

Darling, give yourself room to shine, let go of yourself and embrace the freedom that has been paid for. Someone needs your light for theirs to shine too, so you should know that when you're not shinning you're prevent a whole lot of people from shining too.

Shine bright like a diamond 
Shine bright like a star
Illuminate the world like the moon and star because 
LIGHT is who you are!

Please do get on that steering and allow your fears #TAKETHEBACKSEAT 

Love you large!


12:34:00 pm
HAPPY WEDNESDAY! And just like that we're in the middle of the working days in the week. But that's how fast days are moving and life is going. If you aren't living THE LIFE yet, you're not doing yourself any good. Maybe is because you're afraid, or you're lost at which way to go, or you don't even know THE LIFE you really want to live, for these and more I'm writing today.

Dearie, to embark on this journey to fulfillment and be successful there's a proper foundation to be laid, and that foundation is in Christ. If you're seeking to discover yourself, He's your maker and has the manual of your life. You need to find and accept Him so He'll walk you through this journey. He said,
                             "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you [and]
                               approved of you [as my chosen instrument]... "
                                                   Jeremiah 1:5 (Amp)
This means your life is predestined, and to discover all that you are and made of you need Him. He's a coach that won't charge you a dime. His manual is very much available to walk you through the process. He has promised to hold your hands and show you which way to go, to be faithful and never leave your side. He loves you already, so you don't need to bother whether He'll like you or not, you just have to come the way you are, broken? Messed up? Lost? Forgotten? He's the greatest fixer and mind you no matter how you are, He has approved you already so you don't have to prove a thing.

He was my first point of contact and has brought me this far and i'm persuaded He's willing to do same for you. Let Him and watch your life transform.
God Bless you!

Love you large

Don't forget to get on the steering today and allow your fears #TAKETHEBACKSEAT


7:29:00 am
                                                  Image: Google
It's another bright and beautiful day and all we can do is be thankful that we're able to feature on this day. Now, after being thankful what next? You dress up to start your day, you put on that beautiful dress, slay your make up or no make up, grab your hand bags or suitcase then go to your shoe rack to pick that "SHOE" That shoe that's so tight, painful and hurts your leg really bad but then it appears to be the most suitable shoe on your shoe rack. You don't care how many times you've worn it or how old it is, is just your first point of contact when you're leaving the house.

The shoe i'm talking about here is "FEAR" it keeps you captive, makes you unable to move and embrace the great life God has prepared for you, makes you feel inadequate and unqualified, makes you a slave to same spot cause you just can't move, limits you from embracing your awesomeness and impacting the world.

The good news is this,  there's more than one shoe on that rack, which is so suitable, fits perfectly, can take you anywhere and you won't even feel your fit. It's multi purpose cause you can wear it to any occasion or anywhere and it never gets old neither does it shrink except you just choose not to wear it. This other shoe is the shoe of FAITH.

Who wouldn't want a beautiful shoe right? But is your to ignore or better still discard that old shoe of fear that's limiting you and grab your new shoes, did I mention is a "designer shoe" too? Yeah it is, cause is sent from heaven and custom made by the greatest designer. So, take off that shoe of fear and wear the shoe of FAITH, that's what's trendy and you'll thank me later.

Get on the steering and let fear #TAKETHEBACKSIT

Have a blessed day, love you large.


10:06:00 pm

And you might be wondering why finally? Well well well...this blog was created as far back as 2014, shocked right? Yeah, but my "frenemy" couldn't let me post a thing, I just abandoned it like I abandon most dreams and great ideas. I was a captive of FEAR, still i'm though cause it never leaves you but this time I decided to tell my frenemy(will explain this in a post) #TAKETHEBACKSIT cause i've moved to the steering. I'm doing it all afraid and i'm winning.

This is not just a blog, is a #BRAND and a #MOVEMENT my goal is that as I work through my fears embracing all that God has called me to be, becoming the TITAN that I AM and living my dream fearlessly that someone will be encouraged and motivated to do same.

I'll share more experiences you can relate with and if you're like me battling with fear and anxiety on following your dreams and #BECOMING you should join this chariot so we inspire each other.
We are bigger than our fears and we can do better than we're doing.

WELCOME! Happy Reading
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