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9:34:00 am

Many people are struggling with fear and while some are aware of this, some aren't. They just live, though unsatisfied with their current state, but still don't know what's making them comfortable in that state. Sometimes you get so comfortable with where you are because fear kept you there and forget you shouldn't be there. To these set of people, I want to awaken your consciousness to the fact that you're struggling with fear. For those who are aware of their fearful state, I want to tell you why you're still living in fear. 

For both parties the following are the reasons you're still afraid:

1. You don't trust God enough 
Yeah, we all say we believe God and we know He's our father, but how much are we trusting Him to walk on water? We'll rather fear men than God and settle for their opinion than what God says about us. 

To come to a place of absolute trust in God, you must understand the place of God in your life, who He is to you, who you are because of Him and all that you can become because of Him. Trusting God means you won't see the whole staircase but you'll take the first step. It means the future may look blurry but you trust His word for your life. It means being blind to what's happening around you and trusting Him wholly. It means looking aside your capabilities and trusting God who has equips you for His calling. It means walking by faith and not by sight.

2. Approval addiction
I can relate to this because I struggled with it a whole lot. Approval addiction is when you're addicted to the opinion of men and because of what they might think of you, you decide to just sit back and do nothing. You're waiting for them to say go girl, before you go. Waiting for approval from men before you move is one of the reasons you're still afraid. Hey, you don't need any man's approval to do what God has placed in your heart to do. So, trust God and blind your eye to men's opinion and bondage. Take constructive criticism, positive thoughts and opinions that helps move you forward and discard any opinion that makes you cringe or limits you. Don't wait around for opinions before you take action, go for it the world will catch up. 

3. Self limiting beliefs 
I've spoken so much about self limiting beliefs. These are beliefs that limit you and blur your vision. I'm single and because of that I can't go too far, so I don't chase a prospective spouse, I'm from a poor background and don't have money to pursue my dreams, I'm too old to start, you can fill up the rest of the excuses you make. You need to consciously expunge limiting beliefs and adopt empowering beliefs that will move you foward.

4. Low self esteem 
You need a good dose of self worth to defy the odds and pursue God's purpose. Of course, you should know who you are and embrace all of it. The good, bad and ugly, the mistakes, failures, etc. Build your self esteem and that way, nobody's opinion will shut you down. Lack of self esteem is the reason you're still afraid, take care of your self esteem and you'll see yourself boom. 

5. Lack of Clarity of purpose 
You can't discover who you are and your worth without knowing the problem you have been created to solve. While at the outset you may not get the whole picture, but there's a specific need God wants you to solve and you have all you need to solve that problem. Once you get clear on your purpose, you'll see a reason to pursue it without allowing fear to hinder you.

I hope their helps you..... Take care of these things and you'll discover fear will  no longer have a hold on you.

Live Fearlessly!


8:37:00 am

Happy New Week guys.... Hope you had a splendid weekend?

Just want to quickly share this with you. I know my journey hasn't even really begun but so far I've gone, I've wanted to quit a lot of times. The truth is that success is demanding and it's demand is one of the reasons people choose to rather lay low. I knew if I was going to step out, it was practically going to take all of me and I wasn't really ready to commit and because of that fear, I lingered.

I'm grateful I eventually got the courage to start even when I didn't have everything figured out. That courage to start wasn't enough though because I quit a lot of times, made excuses but then I knew I was only delaying my process. As I struggled, I talked to God about everything and He kept reminding me that it wasn't about me, but about Him and the people I've been purposed to serve and impact. So after a long period of break, I got my groove back and jumped back in to work again. 

What's your story?
Are you tired and frustrated already? Are things not working out as you planned out initially? Do you feel discouraged because you're not getting the needed response and support from your most trusted allies? Are you mentally and financially drained and you just want to throw your hands up and say "I'm Done!".... I understand you perfectly because I've been there too. But just before you quit, remember;

a. It's not about you, but about God. Who do you want to serve? Yourself or Him? He saved you remember? He also called you and equipped you for all you will do and moreover since you received Him into your life you said goodbye to a life of self will for His life and His will as the life you now live isn't yours but His. So, remember it's about God and not you, even though you get to enjoy the dividend of your obedience.

b. It's not about you, but about the people God has purposed you to serve. Generations are relying on your obedience. There are people who can't be reached except through you. Many need your service and sacrifice to make progress or have a change in their life. You are to live beside yourself, die to self so as to serve others. Your gift is not for you but for others, so are you going to quit on these souls? 

c. Well, it's also about you. Walking in your purpose brings this undeniable fulfillment on the inside. While we don't work for the benefit we expect to receive, we still receive the benefits of our labour. If you sow, you reap and there's so much blessings attached to your obedience. It may take a while but it will surely show forth. 

Still want to quit? I guess not! 
I hope you take your concerns to God and quickly get right back on track because something big is awaiting you, only if you don't quit. 

Have a fulfilling week and live fearlessly!

Love you large!


9:09:00 am
Image: Google 

Thinking about my life in the past and how I've always wanted to be great, make impact and leave footprints in the sands of time. I had this idea in my head that one day, I will be a great personality to reckon with and make valuable impact in many lives. What I didn't really know or rather denied was the fact that making impact involved taking steps and taking steps means fear was something I'll have to deal with.

As I continued my journey through life, it dawned on me that no one was going to hand down greatness to me and the future was mine to take if I had the courage to. God already gave me dominion and made me great, but for this greatness to manifest I had a role to play which is stepping out in faith and in obedience and possessing all that God has made available for me.

God has given us dominion over the earth, but devil tries to mess with that through the instrument of fear. God is aware that this will happen and that's why He has promised us that He's always with us so we have no reason to fear.

To walk tall and influence this generation, living fearlessly is not something we can do without because fear is a daily reality. Waiting for fear to leave or stop will be waiting in futility. The impact you want to make is at the other end of the fear you face, but you need to be fearless and resilient in your pursuit. 

Do you want to impact lives and live a fulfilling life? Then you must be fearless and never allow fear make decisions for you. Once you have an idea, don't second guess yourself, just go on and take a step towards it no matter how afraid you feel. It's just a feeling, don't be ruled by your feelings, let courage win. 

Live fearlessly!

Love you large!


9:45:00 am
Image: Google

H A P P Y  N E W  M O N T H!
Welcome to a new month guys.... To think we're just a month away from wrapping up this year, hmmmm... The months seem to have flown by pretty fast. But I'm grateful still for the progress, hope you are too? 

I know we all are high on being positive and getting loads of Yays, but seriously who doesn't want to get yes everyday of their life? Just incase you don't want to, well sincerely I do. 

Does this mean we always get a yes whenever we want or ask for it? No! 
Does this mean we always meet or have positive minded people around us? No! 

Nays and Negative opinion is just like the other side of the coin of Yay and Positivite opinions. If we can embrace positivity then there should be a way to deal with Nays and negativity.

In dealing with Nays, you must understand that people aren't always going to say yes to you and it's not always because they're bad people or they just love to decline your request or they hate you or for whatever reason, it's just because Nay is part of what we receive from life and it can be handed to us through anyone or any means. 

Having accepted that Nays are part of life. The next thing is to understand the reason behind it. A Nay could function as the beginning of Yays for you and can also stand as a limitation. It all depends on your perception about it. Moreover, people have the right to wither say yes or no, so they're not under any obligation to always grant your request or wish. 

So, you should know when to accept a No, when to discard same and say yes to yourself and when to learn a lesson or two from the No. Respect their decision and find another way rather than letting it bug you down or make you feel undeserving.

On negative opinions, people are entitled to their opinions, just as you're entitled to yours. It's also up to you to either discard the negative opinion (this is in contrast with constructive criticism) or allow it affect your life and what you do.

People are created to talk.... So, let them use their voice, while you apply wisdom in selecting the opinions that has effect on your life. 

Have a strong positive mindset that regardless of what people say or think of you, their negativity won't have a stronger hold on you than the positivity you've built over time. 

Have a fulfilling month and live fearlessly!

Love you large!

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