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Pretty Face, Hidden Guts!

Happy Tuesday!
How have you all been? I sincerely hope great.
Well I've been having "moments", great ones really. My life seem to be moving pretty fast, a lot is changing and is all to His glory.

On our talk for the day!
Few friends have met me since I started my "Take the Backseat Movement" and they ask similar question which is "Amaka, I don't get you oh, you don't look like this person you talk about" and my reply would be "fear most times is not written on the face"

This is practically true, especially as it relates to emotinal fears that has to do with achieving your goals, owning your truths and reaching forth for that deeper you.

No one knows it nor sees it, it's just you that's aware you have that struggle. And being aware of it is a great start to coming out of it.

If you're afraid you'll know it deep down, but knowing it isn't just enough. You need to take steps to walk out of it so you can be free. The other end of fear is freedom actually and true freedom comes from Christ. "you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free"

Truth brings freedom, first is the truth that you're loved, another is that you're wanted, another is that there's a great plan For has for you that you alone can execute, another is that it doesn't matter what your story looks like, God will still use you.

Dearie, you don't have to play okay cause you have a pretty face and smile and people don't get to see the fearful you. You alone know this problem and you alone can take care of it just by a "Decision" then watch God take care of the rest.

Are you afraid of something or owning a truth about you and you need a hand to hold you?
Here's mine ✋ let's do this...
You can comment or send me a mail or a message on facebook.

God bless you

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