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In university, I was this person who wouldn't or would hardly raise her hand to ask or answer questions in class. My fear was that I may say the wrong things or come off as "show body" or "gbaza queen" so I figured is better I stay at the background and slay. But somehow deep inside I wanted to be that girl, who can stand up and answer questions perfectly. Since I wasn't doing this I found people who were courageous enough to do it as "show bodies".

So myself and my clique or people around me, will just be busy analysing or possibly laughing at people who are being themselves by expressing themselves, even when I secretly wished I could do that.

This is what misery does. It forms alliance and loves company of course who wants to be unhappy alone?

You were in a relationship and was cheated on so you find someone in same shoe and you sit and console yourselves with "all men cheat so we can't go into a relationship or marriage anymore" or laugh at people taking the bold step.

Your business didn't pull through you find another person in same shoe and you form an alliance saying business don't thrive in Nigeria and when you see people getting into one you laugh at them.

You can't take the courage to live your dreams you find someone in the same shoe with you and you laugh at those living theirs.

You come from a poor home, and form alliance with people of same home and say poor people don't have connection so they can't make it or survive in Nigeria and when you see one trying so hard to make it you say, "try and come back home"

You fail a course, you join people who failed same course and say "people don't pass that course"

You can't get better in that company of yours. You need to seperate yourself from complaining buddies if you want to step out of that fear or downfall and embrace a new life. You need the right company, not people who will pull you down to their level cause they feel they're saving you from disappointment.

The decision to fearless pursue your dreams is one you have to take without giving room for negativity of any sort. Stay away from people with negative vibes and stand up to your fears so you can embrace true freedom.

I hope you take a decision today, time is ticking really fast, what do you want to be remembered for?

Have a blessed Wednesday

Love you large

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