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7:04:00 pm
Whoever lied once will Lie again.
Whoever stole once will steal again.
Whoever committed fornication will likely do so again.
Whoever defrauded another will defraud again.

Mistakes recycle same as sin. One done, leaves room for a repeat, the cycle goes on until it is broken and destroyed.

These mistakes shape our lives and decisions.
It's either we learn from it or we ignore it.
It forms the basis of our fears,
It limits us and tends to define us.

But once the cycle is broken, with the right attitude, we begin to do things differently and act differently too.

God is the perfect jinx breaker. He's able to break that cycle of sin and mistakes to give you a new and unique life.

You can't have a fearless life without Him. And there's no fulfilled life without Him.

What do you want?
Remain in sin and stay stuck in your life?
Recycle your mistakes and live with regrets?

There's no work to be done here others than to acknowledge your helplessness and ask God to forgive you and give you a new shift.
He'll hear and He'll help.

I hope this helped you?


7:22:00 pm
By the time I grabbed my phone,
Opened my browser,
Selected this picture,
Typed the blog Title,
I didn't know what I was going to blog about.

But guess what? I'm blogging already, lol

In life I've discovered that life is full of beauty and there are lots of beautiful souls though few...

These are people with a massive dose of positive vibes,
They're humane and so down to earth,
They're full of love and appreciation,
They bring out the best in you,
They help you up when you're down,
They're always there when go-to situations arise,
They're god in human form,
They live their dreams unapologetically,
They help others become the best version of themselves,
They radiate beauty both in words and in silence,
They love unconditionally,
The list goes on....

Then there are the beasts
With truckload of negativity,
Always ready to dish out discouragement,
They're doing nothing for themselves and expect you shouldn't too,
They monitor and hawk other people's progress like gala, lol
 I think I've lost connection describing them right now so let me stop here...

So which are you?
Which do you surround yourself with?
Beauty OR Beast?

I want to experience the true beauty of life in its entirety and also dish out same.

Hope you have similar plans.
There are few good people in the world, please be one.

Good Evening!


11:26:00 am
Image source: Google
HAPPY NEW WEEK darlings. How was your weekend? Mine was pretty great and I feel so alive and fresh this new week, hehehehhe.
It doesn't matter how the past week went, what's important is that you have another chance to ensure this week goes smoothly and beautifully too, you know how? 

By burning the PAST! 

The past is like that first love that people say "old flames never die" lol. He wants to hunt you and follow you wherever you go and whatever decision you make.

Whenever you want to move on, he shows up to say "how dare you leave me?" can you survive without me? Who's going to love you like I do?  Who'll treat you better than I do? Do you think there's a better life out there? 

The past wants to always keep you company, but in following you, it ruins life. 

The past is a lesson, learn it.
The past was a mistake move past it.
 Whether you won or lost in the past if you don't let it go, it'll keep you at the same spot. 

The past is a tool Fear uses to keep us bound. 
But it's time to wave good bye to all of it. 

Press toward the mark for a higher calling, keep your eyes on the price ahead.
There's so much love and beauty on the other side and you'll not be able to see this if you're still hugging and romancing the past. 

It's a fresh week, have a fresh start! 

Love you large 


11:49:00 am
Image source: Google
In university, I was this person who wouldn't or would hardly raise her hand to ask or answer questions in class. My fear was that I may say the wrong things or come off as "show body" or "gbaza queen" so I figured is better I stay at the background and slay. But somehow deep inside I wanted to be that girl, who can stand up and answer questions perfectly. Since I wasn't doing this I found people who were courageous enough to do it as "show bodies".

So myself and my clique or people around me, will just be busy analysing or possibly laughing at people who are being themselves by expressing themselves, even when I secretly wished I could do that.

This is what misery does. It forms alliance and loves company of course who wants to be unhappy alone?

You were in a relationship and was cheated on so you find someone in same shoe and you sit and console yourselves with "all men cheat so we can't go into a relationship or marriage anymore" or laugh at people taking the bold step.

Your business didn't pull through you find another person in same shoe and you form an alliance saying business don't thrive in Nigeria and when you see people getting into one you laugh at them.

You can't take the courage to live your dreams you find someone in the same shoe with you and you laugh at those living theirs.

You come from a poor home, and form alliance with people of same home and say poor people don't have connection so they can't make it or survive in Nigeria and when you see one trying so hard to make it you say, "try and come back home"

You fail a course, you join people who failed same course and say "people don't pass that course"

You can't get better in that company of yours. You need to seperate yourself from complaining buddies if you want to step out of that fear or downfall and embrace a new life. You need the right company, not people who will pull you down to their level cause they feel they're saving you from disappointment.

The decision to fearless pursue your dreams is one you have to take without giving room for negativity of any sort. Stay away from people with negative vibes and stand up to your fears so you can embrace true freedom.

I hope you take a decision today, time is ticking really fast, what do you want to be remembered for?

Have a blessed Wednesday

Love you large


6:09:00 pm
Happy Sunday friends, hope you were in church today? I had a great time in church...was down and worried before going, but on coming back those burdens were lifted. God is super faithful.

Just want to share a struggle, sometimes the fearless is actually the most fearful.

Sometimes life plays you a video of all that you've not achieved or should have achieved.

Reminds you of how well your mates or even those younger than you are doing.

Reminds you of your big mistakes and how you've not made the right choices.

Reminds you of how things aren't going so well or smooth as you want.

This struggle is real and it comes with intense fear of what tomorrow will bring, whether you can really do great things, whether you still have a space to fill on the planet and whether you'll be fast enough to achieve all that you want to want to achieve before eternity calls.

What I did,
I went to church, where my heart was lifted.
I prayed,
And read great scriptures that reminded me of God's promises.
I've learnt to trust God for everything and trust me He always comes through for me.

Whatever my lot God has taught me to know "It is well with my soul"

What are you currently struggling with? And how have you tried to deal with it?

It is well.


9:40:00 am
Image source: Google 

Thank God is Friday....
For me this week was pretty fast. I think I say this alot, maybe is because I have lots on my hands, which I love though.

Today, I'm talking about fearless living. And one important thing I want to share with you is that anyone and everyone can live this life free from fear.
But anyone and everyone who desires this kind of life requires one tool to achieve it.

That tool is WILLINGNESS!
You have to be willing to change
Willing to have a different view about your situations
Willing to do things differently
And will to create new experiences for yourself.

Unless you're comfortable with where you are, how you are and what you have at the moment, you'll never be willing to reach for more.
There is more,  more, more, more, more, more, so much more. But you have to be willing to be able to access the "more"

I hope you make a decision today to be willing to step out of your fears, get on the steering and allow your fears #Takethebackseat while you have the life you crave.
Have a blessed weekend
Love you large

Pretty Face, Hidden Guts!

3:30:00 pm
Happy Tuesday!
How have you all been? I sincerely hope great.
Well I've been having "moments", great ones really. My life seem to be moving pretty fast, a lot is changing and is all to His glory.

On our talk for the day!
Few friends have met me since I started my "Take the Backseat Movement" and they ask similar question which is "Amaka, I don't get you oh, you don't look like this person you talk about" and my reply would be "fear most times is not written on the face"

This is practically true, especially as it relates to emotinal fears that has to do with achieving your goals, owning your truths and reaching forth for that deeper you.

No one knows it nor sees it, it's just you that's aware you have that struggle. And being aware of it is a great start to coming out of it.

If you're afraid you'll know it deep down, but knowing it isn't just enough. You need to take steps to walk out of it so you can be free. The other end of fear is freedom actually and true freedom comes from Christ. "you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free"

Truth brings freedom, first is the truth that you're loved, another is that you're wanted, another is that there's a great plan For has for you that you alone can execute, another is that it doesn't matter what your story looks like, God will still use you.

Dearie, you don't have to play okay cause you have a pretty face and smile and people don't get to see the fearful you. You alone know this problem and you alone can take care of it just by a "Decision" then watch God take care of the rest.

Are you afraid of something or owning a truth about you and you need a hand to hold you?
Here's mine ✋ let's do this...
You can comment or send me a mail or a message on facebook.

God bless you


9:15:00 am
Image source
Good morning dearies, and thank God is Friday. I feel the week went by pretty quick, but is all to His glory. Hope the week has been fair to you? Mine has been amazing.
      Today's post is a guest post! And because this blog covers everything about life, we're entertaining this gist. A blog reader shared her concerns with me via mail (you can send yours too) about the attitude of our parents to inter-tribal marriages and she wrote this letter. I however did some fine tuning so our parents can get us. You may have been in this shoe or you're currently wearing this shoe, and myself and the concerned reader who sent in this letter will love to know how you handled it.
So here goes the letter.

Dear mum and dad,

We can never thank you enough for all you've been to us and being through just because of us. We're most grateful to God who used you as a tool to ship us into this world, kept us in your custody and trust me you've done and you're still doing an amazing job as our caretaker. we greatly appreciate the fact that you train, provide and care for us deeply, all these and more which cannot be quantified we are very grateful and appreciative for.
Thank you also for the privilege of enlightenment and exposure through the platform of education, with this tool we have come to appreciate certain practices and have become more informed with the happenings in the world and trends as well. The truth is, things are not the same anymore. We've come to appreciate that human beings are equal irrespective of their colour, language, race or country. We've come to understand that community isn't just made up of our clan or village as we now have the global world A. K. A online community. Because of this exposure too we can now easily meet and mix up with people of different backgrounds and origin and in some cases we form a strong bond that's hard to separate.
You possibly thought going to school was just a read and write project, but unfortunately is bagged with so much experience than the prospectus reveals. We know you want us to be able to also better your lives after you've invested in ours and Yes, you're right cause you deserve to reap the fruit of your labour. We also know what you expect most from us (your baby girls especially) and that is marriage. You don't want us staying longer than necessary in your house after school, in fact from NYSC you expect that our next move should be the marriage dance and all the orishishi/paparazi that comes with it.
But here is what troubles me, why do you make this decision difficult for us? maybe i'm wrong or I don't get you and I sincerely stand to be corrected and I want to understand too. If we finish school and unfortunately stay at home a bit longer than necessary, you are the ones who worry most and will pick offence with any little thing we do wrong. You throw statements like “We did not send you to school to come and sit at home with us, can’t you see the daughter of Mr, Akinwunmi or the son of Mrs Nkemjika, they are working and making life better for their parents but you are sitting here with us, Don’t tell us we wasted all that money on you for nothing" we become more annoying to you and like a piece you readily want to dispose off. When we mistakenly do something and don’t do it well, you'll scream “did you just do this...i can’t believe you did this, even me that didn’t go to school can do this better than you did. It goes on and on. We keep hearing how we're supposed to do everything better than you and also be better than you.
Then, when it comes to choosing a life partner, you remember that you know better (you may be right being that you're in the business already). You come up with reasons why we cannot marry from another village or tribe, just because it wasn't obtainable in your time. We understand that you want to be able to go to the village and make inquiries, but in the the world of today what can you even easily ascertain by mere seeing. Even some of us your children you barely know. You expect us to follow your line of reasoning on why we should not marry the person we love, especially on grounds of tribe or race. You say things like "Nooo you can’t marry from that state, they eat human beings head, you can’t marry from that tribe, their wives shave their head and drink the water used in cleaning their husbands dead body while mourning, noo you can’t marry from that village they are stingy, nooo people from that part of the country don’t know how to  care for their wives, how will you say you want to marry from that village don’t you know that their wives bewitch their husbands and make them loose their senses to be favouring only their families? Haba!!! Then we ask, why not tell us the good things about these places or is it just the bad?
Dear mum and dad, we're not expcted with our level of exposure to still have same reasoning with you on certain issues of life marriage inclusive. Do you know that because of this same academic pursuit we hardly even meet people from the village, we can count how many village people we've said hello to talk more of becoming real friends with. You even know we hardly travel to the village so practically our whole life is spent in the city, how do we meet your choice (the village love)? We know better than to discriminate against a person cause of tribe, language or colour. Most times we're not in control of who our hearts fall for or who God has designed for us. We also understand that a person's character should not be judged communally but individually. We understand your fears but being too careful over something that isn't so material wouldn't help us. That someone’s marriage failed is not because of where he or she married from, or came from. There is no perfect marriage, and there is no wonderful marriage that miraculously happens no matter how long you fast and pray. Every wonderful marriage that happens involves two people who consciously choose to work and make their marriage a happy one.
We love and appreciate your concern but we beg that you also consider our choice, cause really we're the ones going to stay in the marriage and not you.
Thanks for your anticipated understanding and God bless you.

Your children

PS: Dear married young ones out there, who are lucky to have met the love of their lives from a different state or city or local government or tribe, please please and please try and work on your marriage so that yours will not be the bad example that will be used to discourage some other person. Try and make your marriage a happy one that can be a role model for others.
And to the unmarried ones learn to know someone and love that person that you can fight and convince your parents that this is the person you want to spend the rest of your live with. Get backbone and fight for your love, except if it isn’t love.


1:19:00 pm
I missed it here! I really did! My break wasn't planned it just happened and God wanted it that way, so i'm still super thankful.

Is a principle that has been tested and tried that you'll never strive to get out of a situation till that situation becomes intensely uncomfortable for you.
You'll not change your bedspread Until you're unable to bear the dirt.
You'll not change your job until it doesn't serve you anymore.
You'll not quit a relationship until it makes you uncomfortable.
You'll not change your phone until it no longer serves you.
And the list goes on and on....

So, are you comfortable poor?
Are you comfortable in that relationship?
Are you comfortable in that job?
Are you comfortable with where you are now?

Until you become uncomfortable in the state and stage you're in, you'll never reach out for something better. And being worried about what will happen when you leave that state, wouldn't help you cause you'll never rise.
If that situation has become uncomfortable for you, your job is to rise. When you do, every other thing will fall into place.

Rise and deal!
Get on that steering and drive your dreams to reality.


9:34:00 am
Yes! I'm a corp member and this picture is just the best description of how i feel and know this month will be. It's a month of JOY UNLIMITED & NEVER ENDING. Whatever the past months have been this month promises something better, if only you're willing to embrace it.

There's great Joy associated with victory, victory over fear, sorrow, lack, etc. Fight precedes victory, so to bask in victory you need to fight and to fight you need courage and to gain courage you need to step on your fear, take charge of your situation, that way victory is sure.

Don't spend this month in tears, lying on your bed and thinking when will I shine, you need to get up, dress up, show up and shine up.
The universe supports your mission (just mission though) and God has your back.

Have an amazing month filled with great accomplishments
Love you large

Remember to get on your steering and allow your fears #TAKETHEBACKSEAT

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