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Good morning darlings and a happy new week.
It's the Christmas week, although I'm not feeling the vibes yet, don't know why.... Still on, Christ is the reason for the season, so I'm thankful for that.
How has life been with you? How are you getting set for next year? Any plans on crushing your fears and threading the path less travelled? Any set goals?

Think on these things, while I walk you through our post for today....

In my family, the eve of your departure back to school was usually a night of reckoning and admonition with my mum. If you changed in anyway, she'll talk about it and tear your heart apart with her words of encouragement and admonition... You'll just be weeping, but after the drama that night, life goes on 😉 (stubborn shild syndrome).

Her farewell words were usually "my daughter, if sinners entice you, consent thou not"

One of our recurrent issues was the use of wool for my hair. She felt if the world was too interested in it, why not focus on the one made exclusively believers, that is thread, lol?

I never agreed with her and these were my reasons;
1. How can I carry rubber thread to the prestigious faulty of law?
2. What will people think of me? A girl without class...
3. What will my friends say?
4. No guy will even look my way (smh) lol.

My reasons stemmed from the place of a terrible low self-esteem. I felt using thread for my hair, would make people think less of me and I'll loose friends possibly, for being timid.

My mum understood where my fear came from and she could tell I was struggling with "people syndrome" of course I was a young deeperlife girl and in a university environment and faculty of law, for that matter. So, it was a bit normal to feel out of place of I made my hair with thread.

In response to this fear, she'll quote the scripture that says, do not be afraid of those who can destroy the body, rather be afraid of the one who can destroy both the body and soul.
We spend our time, energy and resources trying to fit in it please man.
We're so afraid of what people think of us and faking it becomes more convenient.
We place our value on things and humans.
We live in constant fear to meet up and belong.

Imagine channeling all these fears to God?
Do you know unlike the fear we have for humans and things which keep us stuck, the fear of God is actually the beginning of wisdom. And this means, if you fear God, you are wise and you'll have the wisdom to deal with other fears you battle with?

The fear of God is the only fear approved for you by God. The other fears are dealt with once the fear of God is there.

Can you channel your fears to God instead?
Why fear people who can only destroy the body but can't touch your spirit of soul?
Why fear mere sayings of men?
Why seek approval from them when God already approved you?
Why seek their validation when God already validated you?
Why let their criticisms quench your goals?

Save that fear for God and watch how fearless and courageous you'll become.

Live fearlessly
Love you large!

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