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12:02:00 pm

Image Source: Google
Good morning darling readers....!
I'm elated to share with you this morning. But first, how was your weekend? Hope great and fulfilling?
Mine was............. And is.......the essence of this post.

Let's get down to this!

I was supposed to share this on facebook, but I discovered it's a testimony I would love to have my copy, for future reference.

The 2nd edition of the "Fearless Living Virtual Seminar" was held on the 27th & 28th August, 2016. And planning this event came with lots of challenges that almost made me cancel the event.

1st Testimony is about the Seminar Flier.
My graphics designer delivered late on this. Publicity was proposed to run from Wednesday, but I got this flier late Thursday evening meaning I only had Friday to do the publicity.

As if that wasn't enough, I didn't like the flier at all. It appeared too childish for me because of the colours and the words were not properly projected as I would have loved it and some vital details were left out, e. g the time of the event. People I shared it with had similar opinion, so I was pissed and heartbroken. It was now late and he couldn't come up with another one. So I decided to just cancel the seminar for this month.

With encouragement from a dear friend, I decided to persevere, so I tried my hand on designing one with an application  on my  phone, lol

After all these I was still discouraged and was thinking of how to make a press release for the cancel.
But God didn't let me. He reminded me it's not my job nor the job of the flier to bring people to the seminar. Secondly, a flawed flier is nothing compared to the lives that will be affected no matter how few. So I was encouraged to do the publicity on Friday.

2nd Testimony,
At about 12 noon that Friday I became very sick. I was running temperature and purging too, which seemed like the signs of Typhoid. I prayed to God for healing and that same evening He came through for me. By Saturday morning I was perfectly fine.

3rd Testimony,
On Saturday morning my subscription that I doubt had lasted upto a week exhausted. I was so discouraged coupled with the little financial constraints I was facing. But my mind was made up so I decided to go and subscribe. Surprisingly I saw a message on my phone from my service provider which I would normally ignore. But my eyes caught hold of it about a promo. I followed through with the procedure and I got 6G for #1500.

4th Testimony,
The participants were more than what we recorded last month. Last month we had about 98 participants, but this month we had over 135 participants as people kept signing up even as the seminar was almost coming to a close. As I write this post people are still asking to be added, but I told them they'll be registered for next month.

5th Testimony,
Lives were transformed and people made decisions to let go of their past, embrace their present and prepare for the Future.
This is the greatest of all the testimonies. Reviews were flooding in, in their numbers.  Would have shared most of it, but this post is long already, so I'll just share one.

6th Testimony,
Network came to fight us... It was terrible but God still made name for Himself.

7th Testimony,
The overall testimony is that, The event was a huge success and I owe it all to God.

What I gathered in all of these experiences is that, when you want to accomplish something great and challenges are creeping in, it's a signal that something big is about to happen.

Never give up, no matter what you face. So far as you're walking with God and based on His instructions too, you will come out victorious.

Face your fears and watch your testimonies flow in.

Have a great week
Live Fearlessly
Love you large 


1:52:00 pm
Happy New Week fam....
I'm always excited dropping a few lines here for you and also for myself.
How was your weekend? Mine was just cool... Though I was wishing it didn't end, lol.

This picture though, lol... I was scrolling through my gallery for a perfect picture to fit the heading, and I stumbled on this and it just clicked with my eyes and my heart, so I selected it.

This picture brought back so many memories, from my pre-degree experience to seeking for admission and finally getting one and now.. A lawyer. And all I can say is "It can only be God"

The journey to becoming a lawyer took me about 7 solid years... And I imagine, if I focused on how long it was going to take me before studying hard for the admission, it definitely would have discouraged me. I was more concerned with gaining admission and I also knew that once I started it was a matter of time and it will be all over.

Most times, we worry about how we're going to make it, when we're going to make it and if we will make it... We get more concerned with the process and story instead of focusing on the expected "end"

But today,  I'm sharing with you that you should focus more on the Glory,
Focus on who you'll become when you've made it,
Focus on the lives you will touch,
Focus on the changes you will make,
Focus on the impacts you'll make in the society, Focus on the life you will have then.

Focus on the GLORY, the story is part of the process but the GLORY will make you cherish the story.

For our light, momentary affliction (this slight distress of the passing hour) is ever more and more abundantly preparing and producing and achieving for us an everlasting weight of glory [beyond all measure, excessively surpassing all comparisons and all calculations, a vast and transcendent glory and blessedness never to cease!], (1Cor: 4:17 AMP) 

Live fearlessly friends
Fulfill purpose
Love sincerely
And laugh heartily.

Do have a great and productive week ahead
Love you large 


11:07:00 am
Happy Fearless Friday sweets, how has your week been? Exciting? Fearful? Great? Sad?.....whatever your week may have looked like, it's okay alright? Sometimes what life serves us isn't what we bargained for but living fearlessly means we can handle whatever life throws at us and still remain standing. Never be discouraged, keep trying and keep planting your tiny-huge seeds, you'll reap in due season if you faint not.

To today's post!
I'm not so much a fan of new year resolutions, sometimes I make and other times I don't. I noticed the ones I make, I most times end up not doing those things.

My life has experienced an amazing transformation this year, and none of it was on my new year resolution list.... But God has helped me thus far and transformed my life beyond my thoughts.
However, God is willing to work with you if you're willing to be worked on or used.

Intentional living is a daily walk, and any day you decide to take your life more seriously becomes your new Year and you can start planning from then.

New Year resolutions are great if you're willing to do the work involved to bring it to reality, but not having one hasn't made you a failure either.

Sit up, Stand up and Show up.... The year is running out so fast, a day is enough to turn your life around.
I hope you take a decision today to live intentionally and purposefully.

Stay Fearless
Love you large


11:18:00 am
Good morning darlings,
Welcome to a super fresh Wednesday! How has the week been? Mine has been quite eventful with lots of mixed feelings but I'm handling all of it graciously.

Ups and downs will come, but being fearless means you can handle both situations and not break down. So cheer up and stay up no matter what.

About today's post, lol.....
Yes I said so,  BREAK UP!

You will agree with me that most times the turning points in our lives occur after a major break up. Break up in a relationship, break up with a job, break up with friends, break up with family(sometimes), break up with sin, break up with religion, etc.

Break ups undeniably Make us.

So, some areas of life lives won't thrive UNTIL we break up with the things keeping us bound.
Wrong relationships
Wrong companies
Wrong job
Wrong advice
Wrong perceptions
Wrong beliefs
Wrong thoughts

We know these things, but most times because of the little benefits we get from them, we chose to ignore the damage they're causing to our lives.

If there's something in your life that isn't serving you a good purpose especially of eternal value, please by all means break up with that thing and embrace a make over.

You are your own miracle and can also be your own doom.
Use wisdom and serve your life the best!

Make Fearless decisions and Stay Fearless!

Love you large 


10:12:00 am
Hello darlings...
Good morning and welcome to a new week! Hope last week was fair to you? Hope you achieved something, no matter how little? Life is about making moves, no matter how little just make sure you're moving...stagnancy or being stuck sucks!

So about today's post, "God in a Swimsuit" lol.... I'm laughing at this heading myself, but let's get down to business!

Years back, a friend called us on phone to get ready that we were going to hang out for swimming specifically. Most of us were excited about it but just a few of us had a swimsuit.

One of us, who's all "tech" lol, she loves to do things the way it should be done and tushed too insisted that to be part of the trip you MUST have your swimsuit. Mind you, she wasn't the one sponsoring the outing o, but she just insisted and it raised a lot of dust and I guess we eventually didn't hang out that day cause most of us got angry at her.


This is exactly the attitude most of us put on about God, our dreams, ideas, visions, plans, etc.

We expect that God must work in a particular way, we're engrossed with our stereotype knowledge of God that we don't give Him room to use other means to reach out to us. We just package God in a straight jacket and insist He deal with us in a particular way. We insist If He's not in His swimsuit swimming then He's not God.

For our dreams, goals, ideas, visions, plans, etc... We get to used to a particular system that we can't give room for something different. We copy others and follow their system strictly whether or not it's working for us.

Why not try something different? Why not let go of those traditions that hold you down? Why not keep an open mind and explore other ways of being great?

Jesus broke the tradition of the Sabbath day and when the Pharisees questioned Him, He told them "Sabbath is meant for man and not man for the Sabbath" (Mark 2:23-28)

Fear is the reason why you're afraid of change, it's the reason you don't want to try things differently and  it's the reason you chose to settle for the normal.
Break out from that chain and live the life you crave.

Have a great week ahead!
Love you large


8:03:00 am
Good morning sweets and welcome to a new day and a new week....

How was your weekend? Mine was great!
To think it's already the 2nd week of August, Hmmm.... Days are really racing! What have you been upto? 2016 so far so good for you? Recorded any milestone yet? If you haven't, you still have about 4 Months to wrap up this year, please make it count!

So about today's post, back in the university, I had a huge crush on this guy, if we had any beef it would feel like my whole life was at a standstill, and this was because my happiness depended largely on him.

So this particular period, we weren't talking and I had exams, on this fateful morning I kept calling and calling but he didn't pick up. When he eventually did, I was crying and telling him "Shey you know I have exams and you're treating me this way" and this was his response....

"Amy, if you fail, nobody will ask if anybody made you happy" Geez! These words felt like a sharp knife had been pierced through my heart. It hit me real bad cause I was really expecting him to pity my exams and make me happy.

But I picked his message. Words get to me and while I may mourn over it, I also build strength with it. I saw these words as a big challenge, I realized how true it was and with that I used the energy my anger produced and put in my whole self into studying and making sure I made good grades.... And I did!

........So what's the message?

You're at liberty to do what you want with the shades people throw at you.

Take what supposed haters tell you and make a great message or decision with it.

Do not build your happiness around human beings, they FAIL.

See opposition as an opportunity.

Work hard and never quit trying.

If you fail, nobody will ask if anyone made you happy.

Have a blessed week
Love you large

What They Didn't Tell Us

2:15:00 pm

Happy Wednesday friends.....
Recently, I've been having a different feel about God and my relationship with Him feels so different than what I've been used to.
There are things the church may not tell you, only the spirit of God can reveal them to you.

Just a few of them....

They didn't tell us there was more to God than Sunday services/fellowships.

They didn't tell us there  was more to worship than raising hands and being emotional.

They didn't tell us there was more to praise than dancing.

They didn't tell us there was more to devotion thank being a worker.

They didn't tell us that God is much more a father than a consuming fire.

They didn't tell us the Bible wasn't just some text book but life itself.

They didn't tell us there was more to church than building.

They didn't tell us there was more to conversing with God than dishing out orders to Him.

God is deeper than they tell us, it's our job to discover who He really is.

That I may know you more and the power of your resurrection.

Have a blessed day 


3:21:00 pm
Wow! I'm super excited....
We just concluded our first online event which is the FEARLESS LIVING VIRTUAL SEMINAR and it was "wow"

I really thank God for the success for all that participated in the event.
We're not started yet, lol.

Going down Memory Lane, I remembered that, at the beginning of this year, I never saw any of these happening. There was no plan for my blog, nor consistent posts, not to talk of hosting a seminar.

But somewhere along the line, I decided to wake up! My dreams/purpose won't even allow me sleep. I had to wake up and start living intentionally.

I just want to tell you who's still struggling to find your feet, struggling with fear, if you decide that today will be your morning, it can be and you'll see how bright it'll shine.

It's never too late to start.
Wake up and start living.....

Happy New Month 
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