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7:16:00 am
Image: Google
Good morning and a great week to you. How was your weekend? I had quite an eventful one. I attended the "LIVE YOUR DREAMS AFRICA" conference in Lagos State and it was quite insightful. 

On Sunday, I honoured an interview invitation I had with The Ambassadors Radio Show, where I talked about my new book. I really appreciate God for the privilege that comes with walking in your purpose. Once you step out in faith, God goes ahead of you to prepare platforms for you and have things ready for you.
About today's post! 

One of my greatest fears was staying consistent if I ever got the courage to live my purpose. I struggled with this fear and it hindered me from taking steps because I have a little challenge with going through when I start on some projects. Eventually, I got the courage to launch out and not be that selfish girl who doesn't want to use what God has given her to serve the people He has designed for her to reach. 

While on my journey, God made me realize it wasn't about me. It was first and most importantly about Him, and then the people He has designed for me to reach. I needed to take myself off the equation because if you're focused on you or feel it's about you, you can wake up one day and say you're done, then pack up and be that normal person.

The courage you're picking up to step out in faith isn't really about you,
That gift God has given you, isn't about you,
That purpose God has birth through you, isn't about you,
You need to take yourself off the equation and that way you can go all out and do this job. Unless you intentionally want to be disobedient or selfish and I believe you don't want to do that and even if you do want to do that, I'm telling you not to.

The beautiful thing about all of this is that God is not unfaithful not to reward your efforts. So, you still get blessed.... It's not like you're working for free. However, the gain shouldn't be your focus. It should be pleasing God and serving others. 

I hope you step out in faith and do what God has called you to do. God has you.

Have a great week!
Live Fearlessly.


10:47:00 am
Happy Tuesday..... 

During my university days, we were grouped to do a prison project. This project entailed, visiting the prisons, interacting with the inmates to find out the offence they were charged with, how long they had been in prison and other necessary information.

During this exercise, I discovered that everyone in that prison including the innocent ones and those who did commit the offence they were charged with wanted one thing, and that was freedom. Certain activities that go on outside the prison walls also take place in the prison to help the inmates, but that wasn't enough, they wanted the life beyond the walls. 
Self imprisonment is when you allow all that you desire to be, all that God has called you to be, all the lives you need to impact, all the love you could give and receive, all the free life you would have lived, your opinions, inputs to the world, all your dreams and aspirations, the very life you want to have to exist only in your imagination and roaming behind the walls of fear. 

The prisoners I used for illustrations above are in the prison and could take part in certain activities like schooling, football, carpentry, etc, but all these existed only in the prison, not beyond it. You can fantasize all you want and travel the world in your head, until it comes to materialization it's still a dream and you're still a prisoner of your own self.

The difference between you and the prisoners above is that you have a choice to set yourself free because you have the keys, but these prisoners don't.

You can and should decide today, to live that life you fantasize about in reality not in the prison walls of fear.

Decide to free yourself, to walk the path less travelled, to live your best, to fulfill your purpose, to make impact, to live a life worthy to be remembered, to be bold and fearless.

The choice is yours.... To stay prisoner of fear or set yourself free to fly beyond limits.
I hope you choose wisely.

Stay fearless and enjoy your week. 
Love you large 😍 


2:39:00 pm
Image source: Google
This month seem to be running pretty fast... Can't imagine we're in the 5th month already. Thank God all the same. What have you been upto these past months? How are your 2017 goals coming up? Have you hit any target yet? Just so you know, time is running and it's running pretty fast, do your best to get on track, so you're not left out, okay? 
About today's post,
Do you know I'm a good actress? *rolls eyes*😂 ...well I am, just that I haven't made it to the screens yet, I just might, who knows?😉

Well, the kind of acting I did back then in secondary school and my pre-degree days weren't the ones where we used a prepared script. You're just told what to do and you do that in your own words... But this method isn't professional at all and had it's flaws. However, the cast still tried to stick to their role. 

If I'll have to hit the screens with this skill, I must master the act of using my script and saying or acting exactly what's written there as my role irrespective of what I think might be a better alternative. In other words, as an actor or actress, you have a duty to stick to your script.

What does this have to do with my post today? 
God has created us uniquely with our unique scripts which we're supposed to live out, right here. The mistake many make is that, some don't find their role interesting enough so they want to take up another's role. Some, love theirs but can't stick to their script so they just copy that of their neighbour. Some are not patient enough to play their role till they transcend to the end of the movie. Some aren't even playing their role at all, they're just spectators. Some left their script and took up the one their parents wrote for them or the society.

Your script is unique to you and you need a good understanding of your role and the intention of the script writer to know that every actor is as important as the other and every role is as unique as the other. The script writer (God) and director prepared the cast and their roles with the intention that each perform their roles without rival.

The question is, how are you going about yours? Have you understood your script(purpose)? Are you acting (fulfilling) already? Are you copying someone else's role?

It's time to STICK TO YOUR SCRIPT, this is how you stand out and stay relevant.

Have a wonderful month and stay fearless.
Love you large 😘
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